Is It Ok To Take 6 5mg Oxycodone Pills In Place Of
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i usually take 1 blue 30mg oxycodone pill but right now, i have 6 5mg oxycodone pills-is it ok to take all 6 at once if im use to taking 1 30mg oxycodone pill?

11 Replies

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If they are 5mg/325... Then they have Acetomeniphen in them whereas the 30mg oxycodone or Roxy 30s do not. If you take 6 thats ALOT of acetomeniphen. So I wouldn't.

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Bianca Make sure your leg is elevated, and I mean above the level of your heart, This makes a huge difference. Apply ice frequently, Use alleve as needed, if not already on antiinflammatory. Can you tke a bath??? Try epsom salt 1-2 cups per bath. This is magic for me!! I am waiting on surg so I understand the frustration. Hurt so bad cant sleep without pain. Sometimes I take a bath in the middle of the night, just to relax and sleep. Hope you feel better!! Call your doc!! something may be wrong!!

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Is it ok to take up to 8 oxicodone acetaminophen in one day .. Someone plz help me I'm in so much pain I just got knee surgery an I can't handle my pain

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You have become to depended on it, Becareful to not exceed a daily use of 1,200 mg.

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I have taken 18 5mg oxycodone and still in hella pain I take 2 30z a day but this not working and I dont want to od but dam I feel nothing

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it would be fine but i've always found that the stonger oxycodone tabs hit you harder ( side effects as well) than the smaller tabs. So six 5 mgs or , two 15s does not = one 30 to me. I much prefer the weaker dose tabs for this reason. Drs and pharmiscists will disagree but i firmly believe this. From a safety standpoint its fine, but you may find it not as effective for your pain or maybe more effective...

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yes it is definitely ok, even though they are the same size u can take 6 and its like a 30mg roxy, it seems like a lot of pills but the 5s are weak

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i was taking instant release 30 mg. oxycodone.the white 5mg.oxycodones have 0553 on one side, so not sure if they are instant release or not.

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Actullay You Would Be Getting The Same MG OF oxycodone but more of a dosage of acetemenaphine for example, lets say you have 1 10mg/500mg(acetem) and 2 5mg/500mg(acetem) then therefore if you took two of the 5mgs then youd be takin 1000mg of acetemenaphine where if you took 1 10mg youd only be takin 500mg acetemenaphine

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It also depends on the type of Oxycodone, were you taking the time released that is the generic for Oxycontin, the immediate release or the regular release formulation?

And are the 5mg pills the same formulation?

If they are, then it would be the same as taking 30mgs, but if they are not, it will not work the same.

This is a narcotic pain reliever, so it must be used very carefully.

Side effects can include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and dry mouth.

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This contains the active ingredient Aspirin, it is used as a pain relliever and blood thinner.

Common side effects can include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and stomach irritation.

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Good question,.....on one hand I would say ther shouldn't be any problem taking six 5mg tables. However, when combined and taken together this may seem like an increase to your body. To be safe, I would say don't take more than 3 at a time.

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