Is It Necessary To Continue Taking Thyronorm 50 Even If Thyroid Is Controlled
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My age is 24, i started taking thyroid 50 to control my rise in TSH 6.6, now its normal and under 6. i took the medicine for more than 6 months. My Doctor says to continue but now i want to stop taking it, as i have heard some people say u should not rely on medicines for long or why are you still taking it when its controlled.
Somebody please suggest me regarding: can i stop taking the medication now

5 Replies

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If i stop taking allopathy medicine and starts with homeo Still I will gain weight

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I am planning to stop the medicine as am facing many problems. I am taking 50 mcg now tsh came down to 1.47.
But am taking homeo. Is it okay

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I am planning to stop the medicine as am facing many problems. I am taking 50 mcg now it has come down to 1.47.
But am taking homeo. Is it okay

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Do not stop without consulting yr doctor as if yr thyroid is due to auto immune disease you have to take thyronom all yr life .. It is not a medicine .. It is hormone replacement

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I m 36 yr old...thyroid detected before a month..nd tsh level was 8.8...suggested to take thyronorm 12.5 mg...thanks yoga now My tsh level is 4.5 ...i did not take pills for 3 days...was feeling light dat tym...should I continue the tablet?????

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