Is Half Of A Prescribed Loratab 7 5 Illegal
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ia half of loratab 7.5 was found in my purse. but i had printout and bottle for it.still was charged for drug abuse. is that legal?

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With all due respect, that's not possible, unless the statute specifies "weight" or "# of milligrams. I'd like to know.

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Hi Sun, I agree with Dr. J. and Kipper. Now here is the kicker.

Who charged you and with what category?

Was it a legal charge was it coordinated with another charge for example; another controlled substance found; why was your purse looked at? Did the party ask to enter your private purse, car, and or did it occur in a physician's office? Did it occur secondarily to a charge of PI for example where because of alcohol this was considered a secondary substance and because it was not intact tampered with?

This can complicate the issue (variables) so further facts would help me help you determine.

In some states if you have a record for past felony (any felony) charges or even lower (small amount of marijuana) this could initiate a major drug conviction. Joey is correct in fact if you take 1/2 a tablet on occasion which many do--either as a boost because pain is not controlled on 1 to 2 prescribed or to conserve it would be acceptable if that pill were found within the legal bottle. That would be far more acceptable to a LE individual but again they get really pissy when you are being charged for another charge and secondarily find evidence of other issues.

Hope that helps.

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In Idaho it's bot illegal it's only illegal if it's a time release narcotic which those aren't , but that's in idaho

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That said, there could be 100 pharmacies in the vicinity that carry this generic. Controlled Substances belong in their appropriate bottles. Period. Not up for debate. I've had patients taking "big pills" to ask their pharmacists for smaller bottles with all the legally required info. Usually a note on the script will do the trick, but pharmacists respond to patients, too. NO EXCUSE FOR CARRYING LOOSE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES, We're all adults and presumably can read at at least a 6th grade level.

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Hello, Sunshinesweetie! How are you?

The specific laws for this can vary from area to area, so I can't answer that based on just the information in your post.

However, if it was from that same bottle, then it should have matched the ones in the bottle by having the same markings.

What is your general location?

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