Is Generic Kadian Available Now? (Page 2)
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Has the generic Kadian been approved and is it now available?identifyvea
Which Pharmacy's carry the generic Kadian, I can't seem to find any major ones that can get it.
Wow. Thanks, PAC for the post; and all the interesting information you provided. I'm shocked at the minimal requirements from the FDA regarding generic drugs, especially when they seem so critical over other seemingly stupid things. What bureaucratic crap.
What caught my attention the most in your post, though, was the info on loss of energy/sleepiness and hormones. I had no idea long-term pain medication use caused hormone deficiency.
I'm tired and could fall asleep at any given moment. If I pick up a magazine in a waiting room, I can't get through more than a paragraph - and I'm nodding off! I don't even have to be actually reading; even just browsing the web on eBay, etc. puts me out. The scary part is that it happens when I'm driving - and luckily (so far) I've been able to avoid accidents by handing off driving to another member of the family.
My medication prescription is written each month by my primary care physician, who isn't what I would call "generous" with prescriptions. Having a child with a major birth defect gives me a better-than-average knowledge of the medical world, and with two other children - I'm in his office a lot over the last 10 years, but there's times that I know I'm right, and I have to go over his head to prove him wrong. I don't know if I could get him to work with me on this issue....his answer would probably just be to take less medication.
But I'm going to do some research, and go in armed with knowledge - thank you for sharing this info!
Appreciate comments by all in re: to generic Kadian. I surfed the net tonight to see if Kadian's patent had expired and was so excited at first to see that it had; however, after reading all posts I am sorely disappointed to learn the pharmaceutical companies are once again pulling their old tricks. The FDA states that the specs for a generic drug’s active ingredient must fall within the concentration range of no more than 25% and no less than 20% of the active ingredient per tablet/capsule. Sounds like Silversurfer may be suffering from taking poorly manufactured generic Kadian.
As a chronic pain patient requiring MS ER since 2006, I can relate to the above mentioned symptoms of somnolence, intermittent sweating and difficulty w/concentration, as well as nausea occasionally. I can say I’ve used MS ER almost exclusively (after losing ins. 6 mo. into illness.) My side effects have been fairly consistent but I have occasionally come up with a new symptom, or constellation of symptoms. I have had this happen several times. About 3 yrs into my use of MS ER w/ no change in dosing, my neurologist diagnosed me with narcolepsy as I kept falling asleep throughout the day. (Not surprising as I have the genetic marker for it.) I have been found to be deficient in estrogens, testosterone and DHEA.
Treatment w/Estrogen and Testosterone has helped me some w/energy and overall feeling of well-being. As I have learned, a person using opiates (narcotic pain relievers) for greater than 3-6mo, WILL become deficient in Testosterone if male, and if female they will become deficient in female hormones, as well as Testosterone. Symptoms range from mild to incapacitating nausea, fatigue, muscle loss, loss of appetite, lack of or decreased sex drive. These symptoms may be mild to severe in nature. Women may quit their menstrual cycle, experience changes with loss of mons fat-pad, have difficulty w/frequent urination and men may experience loss of facial hair growth, and lose armpit hair and experience fatty deposition in hips/butt. I say all of this just to drive home the point, not all symptoms are due to medication variations. Chronic narcotic use takes its toll on our bodies in so many horrible ways, but fortunately if you communicate well with your doc and you have a good physician, then most symptoms can be treated.
My fiancée is on chronic pain mgt as well and uses MS ER too. One yr ago he almost died from a severe Testosterone Deficiency. During March 2011 he got off the sofa and went outside maybe twice. He awakened w/severe nausea daily and suffered incapacitating fatigue, as well he dealt w/his usual severe pain that we all know is only moderately controlled w/MS ER. After much reading he asked his physician to please check his testosterone b/c of his symptoms. Of course she said no b/c he didn’t look to have muscle wasting nor did he have the other symptoms she thought of to be common w/a testosterone deficiency. At his next appt. 3mo. later in March 2011 he asked again, and she agreed to check it. To her total surprise his testosterone level was at 130ng/dl. Normal range is approx. 300-850 ng/dl for men, and for women 15-70 ng/dl.
It took him several months to really start feeling better using weekly testosterone injections and it’s a constant battle to keep levels w/in normal limits b/c he requires opiate use for pain control. He states that when he has a flare-up of pain and requires more MS ER, the quicker his symptoms of testosterone deficiency return especially nausea, i.e. requiring more testosterone. Most physicians are not aware that chronic opiate use will compromise production of estrogens and testosterone. Our physician is very aware of the problem now and makes sure all of her patients don’t suffer from these hormone deficiencies.
Moral of the story, don’t assume all symptoms that come along are due to medication or a change in medication. However, keep up the good work and let the FDA know all about your experiences w/MS ER and/or generic Kadian. We have definitely found differences in the pain relief of varying brands of MS ER and that ought not be! The FDA really does need to crack down on their generic drug regulations so that we can depend on the generic drugs we take and depend on them to work correctly w/out increasing our risk of suffering or potential death.
I was prescribed Kadian for 6-years at 2 X 100 milligrams per day. 1-year ago I decreased my intake to 2 X 60 milligrams per day. For insurance purposes, my pharmacy automatically switched my prescription to the generic Kadian made by Watson. I have been using the generic for 2-months. I find the generic by Watson to be incredibly unstable. There have been several instances where I feel extremely over-medicated to the point I cannot keep my eyes open and find often find myself nodding-off while using my computer or watching television. There are also times when I feel nauseated; not always, but often. Other side-effects I’ve experienced are the inability to focus and complete one project at onetime; prolonged grocery shopping trips; checking and rechecking locked doors, light switches, stove burners, etc., before leaving the home… meaning, the drug is causing confusion and a mild form of paranoia.
There are some users of this drug that would not have a problem with their generic drug being stronger or feeling over-medicated. Something tells me though that it isn’t that the generic is stronger, but something is wrong with the time-release aspects of the drug. I pay very close attention to the adverse affects of this generic version. At times, it feels as though the medication does not disburse as ‘evenly’ as the Kadian brand. I feel as though the generic brand accumulates a build-up of the drug in my body and then disburses an increased amount approximately every 3-days. Needless to say, this could be very dangerous and even fatal. It is my intention to report this problem to the FDA and whoever else should be alerted. If anyone else has experienced adverse reactions to generic Kadian, please post your concerns.
Only thing left is morphine ER (long acting) same thing, bottom of the barrel. I had to switch, lost insurance and it is about $100 give or take (costco is cheapest) for my script and went down with a state script help form to about $65. But you get what you pay for. It is not high tech like Kadian, it does NOT work as well, it nearly caused me to have an obstruction (bowel) or blockage, it is just junk! It helps some for my pain but not at all like Kadian which was smooth and no "plugging up" problems. Even my doctors agree, Kadian is the best for morphine as they develop in labs with everything latest technology. Morphine ER has been around forever and never updated or upgraded to a smoother release and stomach problems. Sorry. I think they said that now since it's gone generic, the prices will keep going down as other companies will manufacture also. But at this time I can not dish out $800 a month either even for the generic. But if I get an obstruction from the morphine ER I swear I'll take legal action. Every since I started it I've had nothing but problems.
I checked with the company of Kadian, Actavis, and they had earlier offered a patient assistant program or a needy patient assistance (free) and I filled out the form and got a reply stating that since Kadian is now available in generic form these programs are NO longer available, sorry. Watson is one of the new generics.
Pain in the Butt - Yes, I know I'm still receiving the name brand Kadian - I think it was "Healing Angel" who questioned why her (or his) "generic" Kadian looked the same, and someone posted that the manufacturer sold a quantity of the name brand to suppliers, etc. I have yet to have a script filled with the generic. In fact, my pharmacy actually had the name-brand "Kadian" in stock when I went to fill my prescription, but had to order the "generic" (which my insurance will only cover). It came in the next day - and it was exactly the same pills he had on his shelf, but could not sell me.PUP
Re: 8year Kadian User and Health Angel et al: My bad, I failed to read on and see that TeeTee answered all!
my apologies!
Re. 8Year Kadian User: I'm sorry, but you are mistaken: you are NOT on the generic...
The pharmacy may indeed be charging you generic prices (as a courtesy) but you are still receiving the original, brand (Actavis-Kadian) one. A simple Google search of the physical appearance of the pill should further confirm this for you.
The generic pills DO NOT HAVE "KADIAN" printed on them--that is a brand name used by Actavis corporation alone. In fact, according to various pill identifiers, the generic Watson's are two colored capsule halves, labeled morphine (and the strength).
It'd be like buying the Safeway (or Costco or Albertson's or Kreugers or whatever ;-) discount version of Lucky Charms cereal...Since ONLY General Mills holds the trademark for that brand, only they can print it on the box. That's why every other manufacturer of frosted wheat cereal bits with marshmallows have knock-off names like "Fortuitous Omens" or "Marshmallow Jewels" or "Albertson's Auspicious-Ohs," ( etc. get my drift ;-)
Walgreen's as of today, 2-21-12 is carrrying the generic Kadian. I just called to confirm it. 12 mile and Northwestern. Good Luck!
Hi, you guys. Regarding partial filling a prescription - the federal gvt. allows pharmacies to partially fill a prescription, as long as they can fill the remainder within 72 hours. I've found that all the big pharmacies (CVS, Rite-Aid, etc.) won't do it -even though the law allows them to, but the smaller, independent pharmacies will. My local Medicine Shoppe has no problem "owing" me pills. I guess the larger stores just have their own policy, and won't budge in this circumstance. Here is the section from the Federal pharmacy rules: Partial Dispensing
A prescription for a schedule II controlled substance may be partially dispensed if the pharmacist is unable to supply the full quantity of a written or emergency oral (telephone) prescription, provided the pharmacist notes the quantity supplied on the front of the written prescription, on a written record of the emergency oral prescription, or in the electronic prescription record. The remaining portion may be dispensed within 72 hours of the first partial dispensing. However, if the remaining portion is not or cannot be filled within the 72 hour period, the pharmacist must notify the prescribing practitioner. No further quantity may be supplied beyond 72 hours without a new prescription.
Lynne, I ran into the same thing here in Central Fla. if you go t a pharmacy with a scrip for 60 Kadian, and they only have 50 in stock. You must choose to take the 50 and forfeit the last 10 or go elsewhere. There's no ordering the last 10 and piling them up later on. Considering the hassle we have to go through just to find Kadian, that rule really should be changed. They have no problem ordering remainders of other non-narcotic meds. It would be interesting to know why this wierd rule is necessary.
I'm so sorry to hear about the problems you have had with the generic Kadian. I sure hope that when I end up on the generic that I don't have problems and get sick with withdraw from it. I don't know where you live but in Ohio and Florida if you go to fill a script for any narcotic or opiate to be more specific they will only fill the script for the amount prescribed. In other words if you have a script for 20 mg Kadian X2 a day (60 pills) and the pharmacy only has 50 pills if you choose to fill the script you lose the other 10 pills and can not get the last 10 when another shipment comes in because it is a "controlled substance". I don't get it but that is what I have been told more than once when I needed my script filled and I had to run around to 5 or more pharmacy to try and fill it. Florida is really strict on scripts because of the "pill mills" here and only pain management doctors can write the scripts now. My doc is so over run with referrals from other docs since they can't write the scripts that they are working late into the night and even some Saturdays! BWC wants to throw a fit and only cover the generic but from my understanding the generic isn't that much cheaper than the original Kadian.
Has anyone been able to find a patient assistance program for the kadian or generic.. I have no prescription insurance and can't afford to buy even the generic.. at $ 800 for 100mgs 2 x's a day... ridiculous in the pricing of this stuff!!!
Thank you Tee Tee for helping me figure out the mystery of why my supposed "generic" Kadian was the same bright color (pink), and was even stamped with the word Kadian on the capsules! I've been receiving these original formula Kadians labeled as generic now for the past three months refills. (but only paying the generic price... Haa haa). Your info about excess brand name Kadian stock being sold to the generic company--to be sold as generic--makes sense now. That is probably why I did not notice any difference when I was switched to generic by my CVS pharmacy (Lakeland, Fl). I will now be watching for the capsule color change to two tone, then I will take note of any changes that may occur in the "actual generic" Kadian, which is labeled Morphine Sulfate ER. Again thanks for helping me solve the mystery. I'll surely report in if anything changes as I m sure others are going through the switch from brand name to generic, now that it is finally available.
where you able to find a patient assistance plan for this generic ?
I just wanted to give an update. I am now on the Watson generic Kadian and it is going fine so far. It has been about 3 weeks since I have switched and I haven't experienced any withdrawal symptoms and my pain control seems about the same. My doctor did tell me that the brand company sold off some of their excess stock when the generic first became available because they new their sales would go down, so some of the generic drug companies bought the actual Kadian from Aventis and sold it as generic but it really was the brand drug. That;s why some people got the "generic" from the pharmacy that looked exactly like the brand and even said "kadian."
But, I got the real generic now and I can tell because the capsule is different. I have the 60mg capsules and they are pink and white, whereas the brand 60s were just pink. Just thought you might find that interesting.
Hi 8 year! Thanks for the reply.. I know that I am not getting the generic of Kadian, I was stating that Morphine Sulfate was the Generic of MS Contin ER.... .. My doctor prescribed another med becuase I had to start paying for my meds and no insurance and this is the closest he could get me without having to go cold turkey quitting......The Pharmacist was telling me that MSContin is only the Equivalent of Kadian.. (Meaning that they both are Morphine Sulfate .. and yes mine is a pill... I checked today with the pharmacies in my area to see what the actual Generic Kadian would cost me as I have no insurance to help pay for it.... Walgreens wanted 783. for Generic Kadian and $1200. for kadian.. Walmart wanted $973. for Generic kadian for me at 100 mgs 2 x's daily.. When I asked why so high, they said "The newer the med, the higher the cost and since Generic Kadian is brand new, lets' just screw with the poor people!!! Where does Actavis come off giving less than 30 days notice to find something else to use that would not cause so much destruction. I appreciate the help that they did give me, please dont' get me wrong, but now I am faced with having to buy my meds that I CAN NOT AFFORD.. I have never had a house payment that high!! it just shows that the pharm co's are all about money and NOT people, because if they did, they would know that people can not afford to pay a price as ridiculous as that hince they are on their PAP.. but knowing the dangers of abruptly stopping this med and not offering another program to remain on is only about MONEY! So as much as I would LOVE to be back on KADIAN and back to my somewhat NORMAL life I was coping with, at $700 - $900 A month.. I don't know who could afford that, do you? It's just a fricken shame
My post was directed to Sherrie, but ended up on top.....
From what you described, you didn't get the generic equivalent of Kadian. MS Contin ES is not Kadian. My bottle says MS Contin ES Capsule. Kadian is now available as a generic, and I don't know why your doctor wrote you a prescription for something else. It isn't the same - yours are a pill (I'm guessing) that has a time-released coating on the outside, while Kadian is a capsule with little balls inside. I used to be on OxyContin, which is a pill - and I know that it didn't last as long as Kadian. I'm not sure what the going rate for your dosage in Kadian is, but you might call around and find out - and get your doc to write you a script for Kadian.
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