Is Dizziness A Part Of Harvoni Side Effect (Top voted first)


I have been taking Harvoni for 6 weeks now I'm beginning to experience dizziness, I also take amlodipine 10 mg but space Meds as directed 4 hours after I've taken the Harvoni I've had other issues such as Large B Cell Lyphoma cancer its in remission basically just quiet. I have cysts in my left kidney, but the doc said it was safe enough to take Harvoni just wanted to know if anyone experiencing the dizziness & headaches & leg & foot muscle spasms & cramping in my feet & my knees. I'm about ready to stop treatment, what is recommended for the headaches & dizziness ?

5 Replies

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Hello, Ms Wendy! How are you?

Actually, I'd be more suspicious of the Amlodipine first, it is known to cause more of the symptoms you're experiencing than the Harvoni.

How long have you been taking it? What are you blood pressure levels?

The FDA classifies it as a calcium channel blocker and other side effects it can cause may possibly include drowsiness, dry mouth, weight gain and hypotension.

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Thanks for your reply. My blood pressure has been high like 145/96 sometimes , then sometimes it`s normal. I've consulted my doctor but hasn't been given a straight answer. I was given the medicine from a specialty pharmacy in Ohio
I live in Texas, I have a hard time speaking to a pharmacist or anyone, you have to
give membership no# & repeat the nature of your call to 3 people before you even speak to a pharmacist. I wasn't educated on this med told over the phone by my doctor my hep c was back after 3 tries with shots pills & then solvadi, so now I'm basically feeling my way thru this alone. Started in May & my doctor told me he'll see me in August. Am I suppose to get some type of blood test or check up to see if its working. What's the next step ? I had lymphoma is there a chance it will come back like it did when I took pegasyst, ribavirin , Solvadi ? Really feeling the headaches & fatigue. Sometimes it gets a little fearful not knowing who to turn to if you can't talk to the subscribing doctor or anyone. I'm going to hold on to what faith I have in God & try to tough it out one more month then I'm done. I won't ever agree to a treatment with no guidance or consultant ever again.

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Yes! Harvoni can bring on Bradycardia which is what is giving you lightheaded ness. You need to see your PMD and ask for an EKG and they may need to adjust your dose of Amolodipine

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I had the same problem and now I have cancer, anyone else

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Re: Mario (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

After being treated secsesfuly from hep C with Sovaldi, now I’ve been diagnosed with lymphoma, there’s something in my live too

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