Is Baclofen The Same Thing As A Soma (Page 5) (Top voted first)


my mom has been taking somas and her doctor changed her meds and she is skeptical of new medicene.

145 Replies (8 Pages)

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I'm sorry but all of ur responses are just so rude. First u call one person a drug seeker bcuz u were one, then u judge another person for their opinion and tell them to stfusb. Why post ur bile, if u can't take people giving it back to u?

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What state do you live in? I'm moving to MI and need a pain management Dr there and am looking for some advise. Thank you!!

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If you don't mind me asking how did you stop, what helped you. I'm wanting to quit because I'm getting married soon and eventually want to start a family, at times I hate depending on pills for the pain but it's also mentally I'm scared and don't have confidence in myself but I do realize that I need help

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Absolutely not!!!! She was saying the truth!!! I have to rods in my back and 8 brackets. And part of my hip missing. You obvious are not in that much much pain. So you can not relate when you are taking something that is actually helping, and you have to stop because of what of what others say.

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Your pity party is heart breaking. However, if you'd stop with your arrogance, someone might actually feel bad for the pain you're in.

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Hi sk8r00. I truely feel for you. I understand what you are going through. Although my life wasn't taken suddenly, but slowly but also painfully as well. Neuontin has worked wonders for my siatica and pintched Nurves. I have many important damaged Nurves that hurts like a b. Every dr I've seen says that it's something I'm going to have to get used to so for the past 10 years I've been on different narcotics and nurve pills (like neuontin, gabipentin etc). They may be the same I don't know. But right now I'm on enough morphine and Norco to put a small horse to sleep yet still won't relieve the pain. I've had 6 spine surgeries and 15 fused disks. 6 titanium poles and umpteen screws. Anyways I didn't mean to make this about me I just wanted to let you know neuontin has work for me. (Not completely) but enough to walk without a cane. I truely wish you the best and don't give up. Hopefully you'll be up again soon. I just reciently moved to New Zealand and luckily the Drs (although I had to see specialists) sympathised with my pain and agreed to try other things so maybe one day I'll be off all the narcotics.
Just starting to watch rugby since I'm from the states and am used to am football (GO CHARGERS). But it seems like a great (yet dangerous) game.
Keep up your research it seems like you are doing what's best for you. That's all we can ever do!
Take care

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Sk8tr, I don't think you have 7 years clean and sober, or any recovery for that matter. Take your own inventory. Leave these people alone. You are so rude and are full of accusations. You may be off your drug of choice but no recovering addict treats people this way.

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You need to get off her ass and quit being so judgemental. yourself said you had been there cut her some slack you are certainly on a holier than thou attitude!

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if you are in serious pain ask the stupid doc to give u a shot of toradol it is a non narcotic pain reliever and it will give you relief it works for me and i have many medical problems i usually get a good 24 relief and from time to time i need that relief so i can keep my sanity so if you ask for that they should know you are not drug seeking and i am sorry you have to go threw this i know what pain is

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I had thoracic outlet syndrome and had my 1st rib removed to fix it. Recovery was hell, felt like my arm was in a light socket and it would shoot electrical twinges through my arm as the nerves reconnected. They had to break it in half AMD take it out through my armpit. Then they had to take out am inch and a half of my neck muscle. Took about 6 weeks to do heavy healing and was out of work for 8. I wish you well AMD hope this doesn't scare you. After 8 weeks I was mostly cured, few twinges here and there, but nothing like before. I couldn't hold a coffee cup. My hand would collapse like with a spinal fusion...cervical. Had that 12 years later. No problems after healing with either. Complete success! Good luck to you on that! Soma is wonderful. Been on it since 1998. I take 1 or 2 aday as prescribed. Only 1 at a time. Don't like what it does to me. Not looking for a high, just pain relief. Others seem to make my muscles tighten up, rigid. Give me a creepy feeling inside. Valium does the same thing, as do most antihistamines. Can only take benadryl or coracidin. I know what works for me. Also on high dose of methadone for pain since 1998. I was on 100 mg and didn't like the hassles with new drs when we had to move with husbands job, so I started tapering off. Got down to 70 mg, then had to go to a pain clinic because my Dr retired! After 3 years they are requiring me to go down to 30mg by June. Fe) I have been decreasing by hf a pill, 5 mg. It is hell. Not withdrawal, just pain. This month its 10mg and every month after. I'm 63! I'm not a drug addict. They say its the state. But its voluntary for them to adopt the policy. Meanwhile I'm dying!

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Just do what works for you and stop flippin your lips about what people may or may not do with their meds......just because you abused your meds doesn't mean everyone else does. So just knock it off you bore me!

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You're an Ass! I am handicapped & in pain daily. Stop w your dang attitude! You're not the only one in pain.

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You're an Ass! I am handicapped & in pain daily. Stop w your dang attitude! You're not the only one in pain. Thank you again Notruthere!

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Hey genius why don't you shut your pie hole!!I have all the conditions you have accept the knee .So your a super hero go to the hero page instead of scolding poor folks who are getting there meds taken away because of bigots like you.Everyone doesn't perceive pain the same way so I guess you feel better and I HOPE YOUR STILL ON HERE HERO...You should be ashamed of yourself WHY DID YOU EVEN COME TO THE PAGE ?? I can tell you when your doctor puts you on meds you need and then the law requires him to take you off of it . (IT HURTS)not that your a pill monger you have some thing that help and your afraid .I'm sick of you judgemental power junkies who think you can look down your stupid crooked nose at someone else ...Better be careful lest you be allowed to walk in her /his shoes...I hope you do ×3

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Thank you !!I agree Why come here to degrade someone .As you said this addict needs to go to the addict page .This is for honest people who are hurting...Someone needs to seriously get a life!!

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Right!!Thank you.After years of horrible suffering I was on soma now the wonderful government we have says no and people come here to ask advise .It helps to know maybe someone can help you understand. This power junkie needs to go to the power junkie page and stay off of here.

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I am so sorry for your pain and problems.I too and my spouse are suffering from pain and getting our meds slashed .It's to the point that pain clinics are closing be a use of this .I'm glad at least someone uderstsnds....your in my prayers ..

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That's right thanks you .I can't stand judgemental people they will pay one day .I haven't seen any more of there comments guess they saw we would step up for the oppressed right??They are not only drug junkies they are power junkies. So great to everyone who has replied in defense of one!!

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Are they really taken SOMA off the shelf ? Or are the physicians just being more skeptical about who they are prescribing it to? I've been told so many different stories but have yet to find factual information. Thanks.

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What a nasty reply! People like you should be banned from sites like this!!@

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