Is Anybody Being Prescribed Scopolamine For Depression (Page 5)
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is anyone being prescribed scopolamine off-label for depression? the NIMH is doing clinical trials for same and apparently it works, however my p-doc won't prescribe it for me.

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I have had success taking 0.8 mg of scopolamine hydrobromide (capsules made at a compounding pharmacy). I take 1 at bedtime 2 nights in a row and repeat that 5 and 10 days later for a total of 6 pills. Works for me and lasts 3-4 months but everybody reacts differently. Minimal side effects as its while im asleep, and mostly gone by morning. Should only do this under dr.s prescription and supervision as it has many interactions with other things, even over the counter and of luck to you, hope u find relief.

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I have been using nasal ketamine for two months. I have noticed some mild calming effects from it, but no real improvement in my depression. I know two other people who have had similar results.

Think twice before you spend a lot of money getting nasal ketamine.

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This is a follow up to my post above. Six days of Scopolamine cause no improvement in depression. On the seventh day, yesterday, I doubled the dose - I have a body mass double that of many adults. Within eight hours I had experienced all the symptoms I mentioned on the 1.5mg dose, times two. This morning I looked in the mirror to find my pupils dilated, quite a bit of dizziness. The side effects seem to have resolved themselves, my pupils are no longer dilated. I am definitely not as depressed today as I was before I doubled the dose.

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Thank you all for your input. I'm trying the Scop patch, started 36 hours ago. Some dry mouth, drowsiness, hot flashes --all past now. No noticeable relief from depression. I'm hoping for noticeable relief? I'll let you know how it goes after a few more days. Best of luck to all of you.

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I'm posting again to please ask for anyone who is taking Scopolamine by pill/sublingual to please tell me the dosage and schedule that has helped you. I am desperate for relief and I've just lost a couple pets in the past month and am terribly sad. I'm so tempted to stick a patch on, but I'm allergic to that darn glue!!! I've now tried up to 4 tablets sublingual (that's a total of 1.6mg of scop) with no relief. I'm trying 5 right now to see if that helps. Please, nothing else has worked for me besides this patch. I need an equivalent dose...

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Hi Michael,
First, thanks for all your posts. I am sure it takes lots of time and your input has been invaluable.

I just spoke with Dr. S. Wow, how refreshing. She took as much time as I needed over the phone (am travelling to see her) and was so kind. Thank you for the referral. I thought folks might want to know that she is now booking out as far as the END of July!

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Just an update. I've determined I'm not allergic to the scopolamine, just the ingredients in the patch. Most likely it is a chemical called polyisobutylene listed on the package. I Googled it plus rash and hit on a couple things about causing contact dermatitis. So, I've tried just letting the tablets dissolve under my tongue. I get no effect/relief that way like I did with the patch. So far I've tried 2 pills (Scopace) before bed. That would be a total of 0.8mg. I don't understand why that has NO effect when 1 patch delivers approximately 1mg over the course of 3 days (fyi - even though it contains 1.5mg, apparently only 1mg gets absorbed which I read). I am really puzzled and frustrated. Knowing I felt better with the patch is making feeling depressed even worse because I had relief.

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Hi I have been taking it and now can no longer get the medication. I would appreciate more information about the compound pharmacy. I am also curious to know how much and how often everyone is taking it. It has been a life saver for me!!!

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Hi Helen, I too have been having some success with scopolamine. I have been using the patch and have some questions about the pills if you would not mind. I've never used a compounding pharmacy before, is it much of a hassle or ex pence to do so? I am pretty sure that the patches help me but they cost me about 10 dollars each. I also wonder if they are giving me a high enough dose. The studies which have been published use an iv so it is a high dose over a short time. The patches I think give a lower dose over a much longer time. What size are you pills how much scopolamine do you take at a time? My doctor has been pretty willing to work with me on this and it would be great if we had more doseing options should I need them down the road. Thanks!

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Hi Michael,
I'm sure she would, however, since she's just a GP, she didn't have any idea of the connection between scop and depression, and thus, she was just willing to try this for me. She wouldn't know what dosage to RX me. The other thing is, what if I am actually allergic to the scop? I have no way of knowing if it's the scop or some other substance in the patch like glue. If I am allergic to the scop, it probably isn't a good idea to try it in a different form. This is so frustrating because this was the first thing in a long time that lifted my mood.

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Callie, can you get your doctor to consider prescribing the encapsulated form of scopolamine ordered from a compounding pharmacy?


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Well, my skin is getting effed up from these patches. All leaving horrible welts that seem to be taking forever to fade. I am going to hold on to what I have left in case of emergency, but this isn't a workable solution. I don't know if I'm allergic to the scop or something else in the patch itself. I still have some scop tabs of 0.4mg left, but that didn't seem to make a difference in terms of mood and then added the constipation factor. I thought about sniffing a tab and see what happens, but considering my skin reaction, I think it my mess up my nose and I already have sinus/allergy problems. Plus I've never snorted a drug in my life and the idea is not appealing. If anyone can think of any other ways to take this drug safely, let me know. Very disappointing.

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david you are 100 percent correct... I have been using scopolamine made at a compound pharmacy for 7 years it is a miracle for me. Others should really do their research!

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I don't even know how to respond to your post... You have to be completely clueless about Big Pharma. There is NO MONEY in it for them, so why would they try to have these drugs approved. THE NIH NIIIIIIHHHHHHHH is running trials for these drugs because they work better than anything on the market. That's right with tax payer dollars, we are paying for these studies. Ketamine and Scope have better safety and efficacy profiles than many of the approved drugs, but we cannot have them because big pharma can't make a DIME off them. Next time do a little reading "DD" on what you post about. Nothing worse than someone who offers advice about something they are utterly clueless about. Save that BS for fox news. There are hundreds of herbel supplements that work better and are cheaper than approved drugs for many ailments... but no money for big money, so no trials. Clueless, uninformed people like yourself are the reason why things like bacterial resistance are such a problem. Read a little more before you offer any advice.

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Why would anyone use scopolamine for depression? It's a very old drug that was used for many years during labor and delivery. Why? Because it's an amnesic drug that prevents the brain from recording memory so the mother's don't remember the pain. It caused women in labor to act so "wild" the use of scopolamine was discontinued and rightly so. I hope anyone looking to use this drug for depression will wait a very long time until a lot more research is done.

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Editor's Notes:

Here is a link to the new Ketamine discussion thread:


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Hi everyone,

On Dave's recommendation, I started a new thread regarding the use of ketamine for depression. I will post the link on this thread as soon as the topic is approved and we can move our discussion there.



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I would suggest that everyone interested in the Ketamine treatments open a new thread and contribute their questions and answers there. I know that I would like to hear your experience with the Dr and the nasal treatments, and I'm sure that there are many people how would like to hear the same.

I have scheduled a visit with the Dr. in June. I'd like to know how your experience was. How many days did you visit her? Did you receive the nasal inhaler immediately upon your initial visit? I consulted with her over the phone and she told me to expect to see her Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. All of this is out-of-pocket so I'm a little skeptical since I haven't been treated with antidepressants let alone Ketamine for a while, and I'm also leery of doctors.

Michael, can you provide us with an update on how your treatment is going? How often are you using your nasal inhaler? How does it compare to your infusion experience?



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Hi John,

I'd be glad to correspond with you but I would like to keep my anonymity on this board. I am sure you understand.

If there is a way that you can think of to exchange contact info anonymously, I would be happy to speak or email to you about my experiences with Dr. Sajben and nasal Ketamine treatment.

Any tech-heads out there have ideas how John and I can exchange info privately while keeping our identities under cover on this board?

All the best,


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Hi David,
I suffer from chronic pain including depression. The first time I tried ketamine was in a study in NYC to test the efficacy of the medicine. The study at first was blinded with some general relaxant, which I was positive I received, because the study allowed me after the initial trial to have an open ketamine infusion which had a dramatic effect on me. I then sought out someone who was using ketamine in practice, and I found a clinic in NYC with the head doctor with the ironic name of Dr. Hertz. I went into the hospital for 4 straight days of ketamine with significantly higher doses for a chronic pain protocol. It was a very profound experience and for the first time in many years I experienced moments without pain or depression - a momentary bliss. After years of trying this pill or that procedure, I had found something that went to the heart of the matter. So, of course, Murphy's Law kicked in, there was a complicated insurance snafu, and they denied me coverage, which of course included future infusions. I am currently working with the attorney general's department of my state to provoke them the insurance company to do the right thing. Obviously, we are dealing strictly with the bottom line in this case.

Anyway, I recently located a doctor in New Jersey who does ketamine infusions which costs I believe $400 a pop, and is a protocol at a significantly lower dose and the drip only last for 40 mins. Actually, I am uninsured now, and it is not economically feasible for me to be incurring such large bills, but knowing that ketamine works after exhausting so many other options that didn't over the years, I need this medicine.

I was hoping that we could have a one-to-one chat about our mutual experiences with ketamine if that would be acceptable to you. Let me know through this discussion how we could go about doing that. Oh, and congratulations on starting to piece your life back together, I am working towards that goal as well.

All the best to you,

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