Is Adderall Speed? (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Why are so many responders referring to Adderall as Speed? From my understanding, speed is a methamphetamine? Just wondering because I am considering Adderall as a possible alternative to Ritalin but don't want to take Speed!

73 Replies (4 Pages)

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Addicted to adderall for 2 years. Don't start, it's the same substance as speed back in the 80s. If you do start, don't ever change doses (without the doc changing it) because if you do you'll up dosage when you stop getting the rush. Never misuse, the binders (especially in XR) destroys your nose, and your sense of smell along with it. 2 years later, Iv regained my ability to "focus" without adderall. Additionally, adderall will destroy your stomach lining, and make you not hungry (to the point where eating makes you want to throw up). In all honesty, deal with life without the adderall, you don't want to have to quit, because when you come off its hell for months. Also, DXM(cough syrup)+Adderall is deadly. Especially don't combine those.

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Indeed it is, but why give a kid speed rather than say, "deal with the cards you are given." It kinda Instills the idea "that if something is wrong we can change it." Learn to live with problems are learn to deal with them rather than become "addicted" to speed. If you can't function without it, you're addicted.

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Well I have been takin adderall for maybe a 4 days but one 30mg a day and just recently was hooked on methamphetamine but haven't done that for like two weeks maybe I wanna say. And did it at least every other day for two months. Then after a few days of being off of the meth I took one 30 mg adderall capsule and it gave me the same effects but not as much. I go to sleep really late like morning times n sometimes no sleep at all. And only eat here n there. Also it gives me a huge boost of energy and I no dumb ass I know adderall is a form of speed for people who aren't add or ADHD. It also makes ur eye pupils big too just like meth. So yeah if ur using it to feel high it has the same side effects as methamphetamine and will keep u up for anywhere to 24 to 48 hours. Loss of appetite is a huge problem with non prescribed users. It just don't make u feel like s*** when you used it like the meth does when u come down.

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I was diagnosed adhd as a child. I was told i would start taking a pill everyday or to start behaving myself and i wouldnt have to take the pill. I really didnt want the pill... So basically i shut my self down all of my years in school and college. Ended up dropping out cause i simply had my mind everywhere my whole life and didnt know what it was to feel focused. I recently tried adderall because as an adult there is times my adhd is unbareable. I expressed this to a friend one time and was told adderall would help maybe.... And trying it was one of the best decisions i made in awhile. From that expierence i decided im gona persue some kind of medication for my adhd. For now i take small doses (20mg IR) from a street dealer and the relief is unquestionable. If only i had taken it sooner who knows what i could of done by this age of 25.

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@ comment 13, this is because adderall makes your paranoid like all other amphetamines, you probably have very little drug experience and got scared and thought you were gonna die, all im saying is meth is much stronger, and ive seen my friend do a gram and be fine, so 300-400 milligrams of adderall would be an ok amount to take, ive done 260 and I did vomit, but I was no where near death or any serious health risk

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terrible parent

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HA i took 450mg in one day, s***s nothing. my bp hit 180 systolic but that was about it, i went to work the very next day

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Change the name around however you want. Get a new Rx. Come up with a different Rx name that, "sounds better." Bottom line is, Adderall/Ritalin/Etc is just a legal form of Meth/Speed; Same effects, Same ingredients (give or take a few, depending.) Speed you buy down the street is only illegal because it cant be regulated/taxed. Its quite an obvious pattern when you consider all the Rx versions of Heroin (Oxy, Vicodin, Percocet, Morphine) available, and don't forget the ridiculous amount of mood altering psychotropic Rx's we have access to, you know, the Rx's that have taken over commercials! "Take this pill, but, you may experience liver failure, have sleeping troubles, thoughts of suicide, a** bleeding, hair loss, bone degeneration, hives, stomach cancer, throat cancer, bladder cancer, any other form of cancer that exists, loss of reality, exception of reality, etc." Lovely thought that if I have medical insurance and know my doctor well enough I can pretty much have any drug I want (just give the magic symptoms.) On the other hand we have those who cant afford medical insurance,(many people today)
GUY 1) Walks down the street chewing on Adderall/Vicodin that his moms insurance plan pays for. Clearly high, a police officer stops him. GUY 1 flashes him his prescription and continues his stroll.
Guy 2) Has cancer but still needs to work at his part time job to make rent. After work he decides to smoke some marijuana to try and help with the effects of the chemotherapy/ 8 Hr work day. An officer smells marijuana and walks toward the car. (In many states marijuana is still considered a controlled substance) GUY 2 is arrested and tried in court.

Makes a lot of sense, either your broke and getting high on the street, (or by other illegal means) or your at your doctors office complaining about a problem everyone else has, and probably getting a new Rx(DRUG!!!)

By The Way
To all you parents wondering why your kids are being loud and and having fun, don't worry about it, it might be because, I don't know..... THEY'RE KIDS.... Stop using the excuse, "I want him/her to be quiet & focused" when you really mean, I don't feel like making time/I'm too busy to entertain my kid. Is it really so bad that we need to take our kids to a Dr. and have them diagnosed and prescribed medication for essentially "being a kid." Let them learn about life(excitedly) before you justify giving them drugs to suit your needs..

- Its around High School they realize life isn't fun and start using the "left drugs"

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that is completely incorrect. adderall is an amphetamine. amphetamines are powerful psychoactive drugs that cause the brain to release dopamine. this is why when you take adderall, you feel extreme confidence, euphoria, and increased sexual desire. giving your child amphetamine is no different than giving your child cocaine, so give yourself a pat on the back, you're drugging your kid. ps: the salt just allows the body to absorb the ampetamine, it doesnt make it different than amphetamine. i know, ive used every drug on the planet, and use to abuse drugs for years. adderall is a drug that gets your high, is extremely addictive, and in the long run like all drugs, will f**** you up. you should be ashamed of yourself

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I am the only person here that seems mixed about the issue of adderall. The truth is that it's generic name is methamphetamine, and it's also true that psychiatrists make money for prescribing it. In this dog-eat-dog capitalist society, even prescribing potentially dangerous drugs to children can be fair game.
On the other hand, I know what it's like to be unable to sit still and concentrate in class. And I don't think the first thing parents should turn to is drugs to control their child. I know every child is different and some children are just impossible to control, but I would suggest looking at all other alternatives first. Try connecting their learning style with their hobbies. For example, if your kid likes playing sports, perhaps incorporate active competition into learning, such as team scavenger hunts that require them to move around as they hunt for knowledge.

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Meth is speed because it makes you "go fast", and aderall makes you "go fast" so it is speed. It doesn't calm you down. If give it to your kid you should know more about it. Take one of your kid's aderalls and see if you want your kid on it. It is the same thing as uncut meth. I have done meth once, I have taken aderall recreationally, and I have been diagnosed with ADD and ADHD. The feeling is the exact same. It all depletes you dopamine, because meth is synthesized dopamine. Your brain has dopamine and when you ingest more you brain thinks it has too much, so it stops producing or releasing it on its own, and then when you quit the meds there is no natural dopamine left either. (therefore, you "need" more meds and are addicted) Congrats your kid is a methhead and an addict at the age of ten. Don't put kids on drugs; they're suposed to be hyper and not want to pay attention to you. Don't you remember being a kid? Weren't you onre?

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i have been taking 1 30mg adderall daily for 3 yrs,and now my supplier is moving.i need to find a doctor but with all the people abusing this medicine ,and never have been to a doctor to be diagnosed im afraid i will not find a doctor.anyone out there know of a doctor in the sw florida area.i cannot get out of bed without one,but i have never abused them.

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