Is 10 Mg Of Oxycodone A Lot


I take 5 mgs. of percocet twice daily for approximately 2years now. I am so tired of taking them. today I didn't take any and I feel a pressure in my head. My last one was about 12 midnight. Is this gonna get worse?

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Hi BB,

The exact progression of oxycodone withdrawal may be different for each individual. However, from what I hear, symptoms tend to get worse over the first few days before leveling out. Usually for drugs like this, the safest way to stop taking them is to tapper off them, under a doctor's supervision; if possible. Failure to taper may result in much more severe withdrawal symptoms than you might originally anticipate; and could even prolong the withdrawal process over several weeks.

For some people with a high tolerance, 10mgs is not a lot. But since you've been taking it for 2 years, I can only imagine that it's probably going to get worse before it gets better.

Have you considered asking your doctor for a tapering schedule?

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Tapper down from 10 mg lol thats funny. Why would you need a schedule to do that?

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Currently in this same position. Any guidance you can give?

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