In Venice And Forgot My Clonazepam Doctor Will Not Sent Prescription Out Of Country (Top voted first)
UpdatedBeen on .5-1 mg of clonazepam for two years. I use for sleep. I'm
N Italian and going on cruise ship and worry about having a strong withdrawal reaction. My dr. Refuses to send a prescription overrseas. I don't what to do.
4 Replies
if you are a dual citizen like I am to Germany, just have your doctor fax the information over. I have to bug them to get Dexedrine there though because Ritalin is what they like to give adults. Is there a clinic you can see?? it was 39 Euros for 100 5 mg Dexedrine. Klonopin isn't hard as long as there is a record. Not sure how Italy works, legality wise. Maybe a relative's doctor can assist you.
my child 5 years old taking sodium valparate 200 mg 1/2 tablet & lonezap 0.25 1/2 tablet daily 2 times. this tablet taking any side effect for my child please clarify.
Refuses or can't. I don't know what the federals are concerning that.
Find a Dr. There, have him call your Physician for verification, and he should give you an emergency supply.
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