Ifanorex Anfepramona (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedLight Blue Round pill
Long dark blue pill
Light Green pill
My mom lives in a border town in Az where she says they're available.
What pharmacies in Mexico have them w/ out a prescription? All the pharmacies I've gone to, ask for a prescription. I live in El Paso Tx so I can go on a daily basis.. Also anyone who knows where I can get a prescription would be great too!
I need to find ifanorex anfepramona. can some one tell me where i can get it or how? contact me please {edited for privacy} thank u
I need some redotex. Please get back to me if you know where to find any.
I looking for ifa-norex, ifa-diety a.p. (?), and phentermine
If I take a drug panel at wrk will it come out positive?
I am looking for ifanorex.
Does anyone know where I can find IFA Norex? They seem to have fallen off the market. Been using them off and on for years, but very hard to find now. Can you help?
Thank you ~
How often did you take it?
How many in a day?
let me know when u find out where to get ifa norex in usa over the counter?
All pills are taken once a day!!! I've known people to die because of them especially redotex ive taken them ALL
Did you ever hear from anyone @ this? Interested too.
Hi Dear, does ifa-norex require a prescription in Mexico? {edited for privacy}. This medication is the only one which works for me. Shame and fed up to be called a fat pig :( One thing which really annoys me is that everything is prohibited in UK. Only coke and opiates are allowed. Shame on this stupid bureaucratic government.
I used both brands years ago and was a zero overnight. I don't want to get ripped off . I realized how it got to get them over the boarder by the doctor so he quick.
What is the quantity ifa norex green tin foil box pills and how much I even liked the axion higher mg when norex was impossible to get . People will scam you so I would us a ca debit that my bank will recreation me in full if I don't get my medicine.
We just bought some in progresso, Mexico. They were $20 for 30 tablets. A prescription was not needed.
I recently purchased some 50mg ifa norex amfepramone tabs in Mexico. However they were placed in baggies to cross the border. They are round and green with a line down the middle for breaking in half. How can I verify what or if these are the actual medication?
Elizabet (# 20)
My email is {edited for privacy} all together of course if anyone has a pharmacy they know of that will fill my script for ifa norex I'm willing to go there. Thanks
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