Idrofos 150
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My mother took 18 idrofos tablets in a period of 18 days by mistake. Generally, 1 tablet should be taken each month. Please tell me how to minimise the effect of a high dose of this medicine?
Kindly advise me accordingly.
Mechanical Engineer
How long should ifrofos 150 tablet be taken? As my wife is a patient of osteoporosis & osteoarthritis.
My sister is 43, she is having still having her monthly period and a doctor advised her to take idrofos-150 tablets. I wanna know if it is safe to take the medicine before menopause?
I am 33 years old and I have severe pain in my femoral head due to the use of steroid tabs over the course of one year. So my doctor advised me to use Idrofos tablets along with Zincovit tablets for relief. Can anyone please explain to me how to take Idrofos tablets?
i am on idrophos daily i need to take calcium suppliment with this.what if i miss a dose get so scared they're going to become like women!...jk...
This is not a hormone, so has no ill effect. It is used to add calcium to the bones.
It also works for stomach ailment.
My father is advised to take Idrofos 150 (Ibandronic acid) tablet once a month for Osteoporosis. I just happen to notice that this is meant for Osteoporosis in women after menopause. He has been taking this medicine for some time.
Should he stop this medicine immediately?
What side effects if taken by men above 60 years?
Thanks in advance.
For shoulder pain dr. Prescribed Idrofos kit 1+30 tab.I am 63 yr old male patient.State the side effects and is it used for male patient?
i am a dermatologis, my wife is taking idrofos for osteoporosis. how long she will take the medicine?
what for Idrofos 150 is prescribed? what are the side effects? I am suffreing from arthritis. Does this medicine help me?
Never take this drug without a prescription and supervision of an orthopedician.
What are the benifits of INDROFOS 150 for normal women of 46
Is it useful for Calcium deficiencies generally feeling of women
Consult your doctor. Get a bone density test done and see if she has gone into hypo calcium - which means that she may hav eto be given massive doses of calcium supplement.
Please all remember - this is only for post-menoupasal women. It is NOT meant for men. It is an approved drug by the FDA for treating and preventing osteoporosis. It does have side effects for a day or two. For further info google ibandronic acid. Users may face extreme joint pain, fever, nausea, etc.. Like all allopathic medicines - one has to trade off side effects with the benefits and if the pluses are more than the minuses, take a decision.
what are the side effects of taking idrofos150. howlong should we take if it starting ostreoporis
side effects of idrofos-150?
what is generic name for idrpfos?
I am advised that eat one tablet idrofos 150 each month ,but I missed one month to eat one tablet should I take the missed table or wait for the next month
This tablet is given to patients suffering from osteoporosis . This tablet makes sure that the calcium in the bone doesnt drain out and hence eventually reduces pain
This tablet is given to patients suffering from osteoporosis. This tablet makes sure that the calcium in the drained out and hence eventually reduces pain.
Idrofos 150 tablet is given to which patients. Is it specially prepared for HIV patients. If taken monthly once will there be any sideeffect.
what benefit do you get out of this tablet idrofos 150?
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