Ic Tri Sprintec (Top voted first)


Long story short I was unable to get my last birth control prescription filled so I haven't had for about two weeks now. Will I just have to start over at the next month and be fine??

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I was wondering if after taking the IC tri-sprintec tablets for three weeks if i would be protected against pregnancy?

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After missing that many days, you will need to fully start over in order to be protected against pregnancy, generally that requires taking it for a full cycle, IE: one month.

Vaughn, you are only protected while actively taking it, so you should continue beyond 3 weeks, if you are actively engaging in intercourse.

The FDA lists the typical side effects of oral contraceptives as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, irregular bleeding, mood changes, and weight changes.

Ref: Oral Contraceptive Information

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