Ic Gabapentin 300 Mg Bladder Side Effects (Page 7)
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I take 100 ic gabapentin 3 times/day for sciatica. Now I find that my bladder leaks about once a week which is unnerving. Has this been reported as a side effect?

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Oh I forgot - mine only happens in my sleep too! What are the chances? hmmmmm

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Having the same problem. My doc said it wasn't related......bull! It is absolutely related cause I have never had bladder leakage until I started the drug. Don't let the doc's convince you its mot a side effect. It is a side effect - it's just not listed on the drug pamphlet!

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Have not talked to doctor about occasional bladder leakage while sleeping since starting Gabapentin. I would like to know if any other persons who take this drug have had this experience. Let me kinow. Thanks

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Gabapentin is an anticonvulsant that has also been proven to help with certain types of nerve pain.

This is not listed among the normal side effects, which may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and weight gain.

You can read more on it here:


Have you talked to your doctor about this?

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Didn't give enough information about my bladder leakage. The leakage is small and occurs in my sleep.

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