Ibilex 500 Cephalexin Side Effects
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Im taking ibilex 500 cephalexin for a urinary tract infection and now I have very sore breasts. Is this a side effect? If so, should I stop taking it?

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I have been on 4 tablets a day of Ibilex 500mg for a chest infection and have felt dizzy with a very bad headache that wont go away, even with ibuprofen. I need to take them for 3 more days but not sure I can handle the headaches. Can I just stop and hope the infection doesn't come back?

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I have taken a course of Ibilex 500 (every 6 hours) for a urinary tract infection and it seems to be working. However, I am now finding it very difficult to sleep. I have some Alprazolam 0.5mg sleeping tablets that I rarely use. Can I take these sleeping tablets with Ibilex 500?

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Hi, I'm on my fourth day of ibilex 500, 3 times a day and suddenly felt so dizzy and nauseous I couldn't walk in a straight line. However, my ear & tonsil problem is almost gone. Should I reduce or stop taking the ibilex? Thanks.

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I also get heavy breasts with extremly sensitive nipples

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Hello, Vicki! How are you doing?

No, I haven't found anything listing that as a known side effect.

Have you consulted your doctor? Are you on any other medications?

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