I Took 80mg Methadone 4times A Day 30mg Msir 4a 2mg Xanax3a 150mg Lyrica For Pain That Still Did Not Control Enough To Sleep More Than (Top voted first)
Updatedcronic disabling pain about 16 yearsand taking previous listed meds for 6to 8 years as tolerences increased and pain worsened,things got worser when my doc got stolen from me by new hospital built in area.new doc know it all that moved to our sweet little hicktown where the tops in medicine fight to get a position of any kind.well he got the job and then did one on me.He told me that much pain med.was far&away from his expertise,so he cut me off cold turkey from the morphine,and said he was sending me to a pain clinic.BY the way the largest pain clinic,80some miles away started me on the regime to start with and after awhile they turned it over to my Dr.with instructions&an open line of consultation,which saved me the rough trip every month as you well know scrips like some of them had to be picked personally,but alas the constant of the verse kicked in and the good Dr.transfered to texas,as had the neurosurgens that had done the3discectomys and1 fusion operawith a hip bone slice&various scews,brackets and stuff.I have got off subject a tad;so,new pain doc sarts his trial failure procedure to where I'm at now;1 8mg hydromorphone4times daily 3 10mg methadone daily 1 one mg clonazepam 3times daily.I'm hurting big time.What's a poor man of 61 years the last 16 practically void of exercise due to movement restriction to do?This current set meds isn't reaching as far as the last and is costing much more[gas,Obahma,just more costly all the around].please help if you can,what dose of these drugs would get me just a little more relieved,or at the very least back to where I was. NO OXYMORAN HUMANA WO'NT PAY A PENNY.HOPE you can help.have a nice day.
4 Replies
Very hard to read. All I could get from and understand was that you are stuck in the middle of nowhere and don't have any other choices but one doctor?
All I can suggest is doing a much harder search and try to find a doctor somewhere that can prescribe better for you. If you have a doctor prescribing Xanax and methadone at same time, something ain't right...
I would re-write this question, stay on topic and double space your paragraphs so it's easier to read and you may get some answers.
Wow I do feel so bad for you but I'm sorry but I do agree with the doctor, you are on way too many pain meds. that is a toxic combination that you are taking. I mean seriously it could kill you. I understand about your pain and everything but I believe you need to go to a pain management probably in-house Treatment Center. I understand it's costly but there are ways that you can get that funded for you. I will be praying for you. I'm 54 and I'm trying to get off all the pain meds; currently on 155 milligrams of methadone a day but I can take that and make it last me at least three days. I'm coming back myself only because I want off. I know I'm going to have aches and pains but that's okay. I can take 2 Aleve and actually get some relief because I believe I don't have as much narcotic in my system anymore. That's the main thing your body is telling you (that you need it). That's why I would suggest that you get in house treatment dear, you are on a very toxic cocktail of pills and medicine that you take. Bless your heart. Lonely in Arkansas
Re: Liz (# 3)
To the dear person that replied they were taking themselves off of methadone.. We're you able to do it? How was it to cut back to only taking it every 3 days?
Thank you in advance!! I too am trying to take myself off of Lyrica and methadone 140 mgs
Can't thank you enough.I am so sorry for taking so long returning your heartfelt and inspiring reply.I found a new Doc,he put me on baby asprin once daily,and 16 other drugs and vitamins that well...!No need to reply,just got this tab.working and the casts off my hands,arms,feet so just wanted to thank you for all your help.
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