I Took 4 Hydrocodone Over The Weekend Have A Drug Test On Tuesday
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I am in treatment there test may be bigger than most..I run everyday and drink lots of gatorade will 4 hydrocodone I took over the weekend show up by Tuesday night? I rarely take them and know it was a mistake..I weight 127 lbs. And am 5'4.

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I took 4 10/325 hydrocodone in a 3 day period for shoulder pain. The prescription was dated back 10 years left over from wife's back pain. I got called for a random twelve hour from last dose. Will I pass the test. Can anybody please tell me anything good tell me I'm worried about nothing here.

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It's actually not until tomorrow or Wednesday night so until then I'm just trying to drink lots of fluids and sweat it out. Thank you for asking good luck to you.

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How did you test go? Curious .. Have a test of my own possibly Wednesday or Thursday and took some this weekend!

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