I Take Xanax 3 Times Per Daydid Not Show Up In Drug Tox (Top voted first)


I am being terminated from my primary care dr bc in my tox screen my xanax 0.5 mg did not show up at all not a trace. my dr gave me permission years ago to break em in half or a little less than half per dose 3 times per day,or i would be sleeping all the time with whole ones. I have panic attacks and aniexty vey bad. I cannot go without them. I even took my bottle to appt I made to show my dr the xanax in the bottle and broken ones. My pain meds mscontin 100 mg showed up and msir 30 mg no problems and in WNY there is no pain mgmt to go to that will write your meds. on my drugscan paper it says Alpazolam outcome inconsistant and reported valu negative and comment prescribed drug not dectected.My 29 yr old daughter even said" Mom I watch you take your xanax 3 times per day" I have never failed one tox screen till now. I dont know if this has anything to do with it but our engine went and I could not get to my normal small chain independantly owned pharmacy and I had to get a ride to Walgreens.Is there a differnce in the maker? I was not taking any of Walgreens brand for any of my other tox screens and all was fine But no trace at all? From what I read even if you stop taking Xanax it can show up for 30 to 60 days.that isnt the case I need to take mine everyday 3 times a day.. Is there ever a faulty drug test cup? I am at my wits end bc try telling your dr's nurse you take it everyday 3 times a day and falls on deaf ears. most people are worried it will show up, mine should of showed up and didn't. Help I need some answers...

5 Replies

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By saying that the results are inconsistent, what is usually actually meant by that is that the levels in your body are actually way lower than they should be if you were taking them regularly as prescribed.

Had you taken less than usual before the test? Were you being more active than usual? Did you drink more fluids? Did you have diarrhea?

Any one of those factors and others I haven't mentioned could cause the detectable levels to be lower than expected.

Learn more Xanax details here.

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This just happened to my mother. We are at a loss of what to do. Has any of this been resolved for you?

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sorry i lost this forum after posting bc had to reformat pc...no the only thing that changed was our engine blew and I had to fill at a walgreens instead of my reg pharmacy. I see walgreens changed maufactors but I am still stumped,unless there is no active ingredient in them and since I have permission to break them I have some left from last summer, wondering how to get them tested... I have nothing hide all i know is I take them 3 times a day with my other meds. I even asked my Dr if he wanted to take my blood and he dismissed that but I was dead serious. Any other ideas I am still being dismissed but I cannot find pain magmt to write my meds or take my insurance, my time is running out. I just want answers as to why no trace of it showed up.

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Hi I am sorry i lost this forum after posting bc had to reformat pc...no the only thing that changed was our engine blew and I had to fill at a walgreens instead of my reg pharmacy. I see walgreens changed maufactors but I am still stumped,unless there is no active ingredient in them and since I have permission to break them I have some left from last summer, wondering how to get them tested...no not at all and I still do not know what to do. Has your mom been tested again? by any chance did she get hers filled @ Walgreens? I had to fill mine there for 3 months not my normal pharmacy and my normal pharmacy uses a different distributor when our engine blew. I am still at a loss.Did you find anything out? I almost forgot my friend told be none of her valium she was on and at the time it was 50 mg and her doctor put her in the hospital and gave her all her meds and then tested her in 4 days in the hospital and her valium didnt show up again and he said it was her metabolism. I don't think my metabolism works like that, but it would be an answer.

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Verwow I forgot to add that with a chronic pain in my back and foot I can't be as active as I would like to be. I wouldn't be walking. I know this is the most frustrating thing when I am telling the truth, if I didn't take my Xanax panic attacks would be bad.I have been a patient of my Dr's for 8 years and never a bad test till that one.My daughter is at a loss because she sees me take it 3 times a day. If if one of my halves was a little smaller when I broke it all my other doses make no sense. The nurse is not too nice when she called and said not a trace was found, to her I am guilty without any errors on their part, how do they know they didn't mix my test up with someone elses's they check urine in the office and then if they find or don't find something they send it out to a lab.

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