I Need Help Passing My Drug Screen With Someone Else's Urine But My Prescription Has To Show Up On The Drug Screen (Page 3)
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Someone please help me. I've been on my Xanax's for 20yrs and cant lose them. I just wanna know if I crush one of my Xanax's into someone's clean urine will it show up on the test? And how long do I have to let the Xanax sit in the urine or when do I put it into the pee?

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That is what George was asking! What if you drink Urine and it has Xanax in it. Would it then show up in your urine?

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if I crush up one of my xanax and put into someone else's clean urine, will it show up on drug screen

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It would depend on the volume of Pee. Why are you messing with urine again?

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