I Need Help Getting 30 Mg Oxycodones (Page 4)
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i just got hurt 2 weeks and i sliped 2 disk in my back i have been to 3 different doctors and they wont give me hardly anything stronger than a oxycodone 5 one doctor gave me 10s and their saying i will prolly be in pain for the rest of my life!!! but they dont seem to help a whole lot with the pain do u think its because i am only 23 that they wont give me a stronger dose or what??? plzzz help someone! or if they know a doctor that will help i live in maryland and will be willing to drive a couple hours just to see the doctor.

87 Replies (5 Pages)

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can you help in the NYC area? Been prescribed for one year by my PCD but now need to switch to a specialist since my back pain has persisted- need to find a doc asap or I'll be sick once this scrip runs out.

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Wuss up Then bro? U got a doc I'll break u off I hane MRI and script history

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Hi after reading your post im writingyou. I hav real injuriesand mri's etc. can you help me find a doctor amon 15 mg oxy. and methadone for pain. live in MD

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I saw your post homeboy I am cuRrently prescribed but not enough. I get 60 30mg oxycodone a month. How can you help me and I have been around the block so to speak so I hope we are not talking I send you money and you send me some fake made in soMe garage lab 30s in return.

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oc please e-mail me at xxxxxx@xxxx [1] asap so we can talk. thanks so much

[1] Editor's note - In order to protect privacy, we do not allow individuals to post their personal contact information on our discussion threads (except in some very rare cases).

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I have a partially severed nerve in my left arm which causes extreme nerve pain in my.hand and arm especially when scar area touched in any way shape or form. It is unbearable. I can't sleep because It is next to impossible not to expose it to touch by pilllow blanket or just accidentally moving it. It feels like the most intense electrical shock surrounding from scar to tip of two numb and useless fingers. What do I say to surgeon regarding pain management. Its completely debilitating and unbearable.

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Did anyone ever find a Maryland doctor? I'm in need of one. Thanks.

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Yes i have MRI and catscans for optic migraines, chronic low back
pain from competitive gymnastics to my body, muscle spasms and osterarthritis. My doc who prescribed me roxi 30s moved. please help

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Yes, I am looking for a good pain management doctor to prescribe 30's...I have MRI and cat scan for optic migraines and chronic low back pain with muscle spasms from severe damage to my body as a competeive gymnast. I was prescribed 30's until my doctor moved. Please help...Baltimore Maryland or surrounding areas

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Hi- my name is bella...could you please email me if you have any names?

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this treatment works, all should check it out. CalmarPainRelief.com

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This is starting to P&#@ me off! I am in real pain 24 /7. I have herinated L4 L5 L5S1 AND T1. People like this makes it harder for someone like me!!! I am in desperate
need of a pain mgmnt doc, for a epidural, or trigger point
injection, I do not wish this pain on anyone,!! You want this to get high from, man u need the stupid slapped right
off ya!! ps ... no insurance ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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I recommend visiting a compotent chiropractor. We handle back pains, even severe cases. often with excellent results.

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For anyone looking to get this type of pain medication, you WILL need to go see a dr and get a MRI ordered. Once they review the mri and determine there is a legit issue, THEN you can start getting some decent pain meds.

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To get the 30mg oxy codone you need to have an MRI...there are so many doctors you can go too and get them no problem..tell them you were going to a recent doctor in a diffrent state and thats what your were getting prescribed and thats the only thing that helps you..be very thorough and kind and in pain

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I know I'm really late but can u hook me up with the doc in Montgomery co? I'm in Columbia, md

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i agree with madcap180, you have no pain you just want some 30's to feed your addiction. good luck its the fastest growing addiction right now, and you've gotta actually have a problem to get past the docs. now, and hey, they already made non abusable OC's....give it a year maybe before they make the perks non abusable, good luck!

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Help In MD - I don't care about a urine test. I would pass but I need help. Can you hellp?

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can you pass a urinalysis?
are you willing to do nerve blocks and steroid shots?
If you want a good pain guy in Montgomery County write back, they dont play games, they will test you, but they will get you out of pain.

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.. look you have no back problems, just admit you are hooked on perks .. because I am .. if you go into a doctors office and request a specific pill they won't give it to you.. dont take us for idiots, you just want to be able to sell some and eat them for free, because thats what I did for the longest time. The doctor WILL NOT GIVE YOU 30mg perks right away .. he will start you at 5's... after 6 months put you on 10's .. 6 months, 15's .. 6 months 30's .. 6 months, OC 60's .. 6 months oc 80's .. IF he doesnt think you're just a f***ing junkie. REAL TALK. Dont BS a BS'er.

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