I Need A Pain Medicine Doctor In Seminole County Florida (Top voted first)
UpdatedI need to a find a doctor in Seminole county florida that will write my prescriptions for Percocet, Xanax and soma... I had a falling out with the doctor I had been seeing for chronic pain for over 2 years and cant go back. I do not have insurance so will have to self pay. I am not an addict and don't sell my prescriptions. I really need these just to live a somewhat normal life. Can anyone PLEASE let me know the name of a doctor. Seminole county or Deltona, Deland area would be ok. I cant drive far because I cant sit in the car too long. I have my medical records, a printout of my prescriptions for the last six months and my MRI from almost 24 months ago. I cant afford right now to get another MRI...I am really in a bind here and am in agonizing pain. Any suggestions would be appreciated and I can give you my email address if you don't want to put the doctors name out here in public....
8 Replies
i lived in fla. im writing to heartbroken mom. my e-mail is {edited for privacy} i have never responded or twiited etc on my comp. before so i hope u are able to get this i also take those meds/ are u working if not u can get medicaid/if u are diasabled physically ,mentally u should apply for s.s.i disability ther r lawyers that r free unless u get retro, then they take afee binder and binder is the best. ther r also fac where u sign ursel in for 3 days to get evaluation then they can verift u need these meds and would help u get s.s.i/ s.s.s or and soc services will get temporary medicaid then turn into permant im very good with type of info. and this the 1st time i doing this via the comp. but u reaaly seem sincere and maybe i can help if i can. Write me.. I'll do my best to help u good luck god speed .laura
There is several pain management doctors in seminole county, there on medical plaza dr behind the hospital, getting into a Doc that does not take ins shld not be a issue ur real issue is going to be getting those filled anywhere in west volusia / seminole county area my spouse has been trying for 2 weeks just to fill percoet, cvs and walgreens are very stringite on who they fill for, publix sometimes has it but u hv to be there they day they get in a shipmnt, wd is not accepting new patients for pain scpts
The problem is FLORIDA! They have so many issues with these "doc in the boxes" that i was told they call them, no one is being given medication they require because doctors simply won't write for it. I wish I had someone to recommend but this is the information provided by my friend who is a catastrophic adjuster and fell off a roof. Imagine that and he gets s*** now because he is in pain? All 6'1 of him in addition to being a professional climber . I hate to say or but he is forced to drive to his surgeons office in Alabama for his medication and or his doctor sending him the script. Sad but true!
Im just a my wits end....I cant take this pain anymore. I cant afford a pain clinic but without my meds I just cant function at all. The Dr. was Dr. Mamone in Sanford and he was my PCP. If I cant find anything for this pain I just cant live like this anymore. I could get a job if I had my pain meds but cant get my pain meds because I don't have a job. Dr. Mamone in Sanford just cut me off and now life just isn't worth living cause I cant take it anyone. I need a self pay PCP that will prescribe at least my pain medication so that I can at least get out of bed :(
I am very sorry about what you are going through, it's terrible that you are suffering.
The main problem that I think you're going to encounter is being self-pay, most doctors will not prescribe for a patient that doesn't have insurance, because it's far too easy for them to doctor/pharmacy hop and get more medications than they should…..and a new patient that they've never seen before will likely make them all the more suspicious.
Do you have a PCP that might be able to refer you to someone? If so, that might be your best bet for finding the help you need, since your PCP would basically be vouching for you, via the referral.
Does anyone know of a good doctor that she could contact in that area?
Hi Laura, the problem is I cant get Medicaid or Disabiliy. I cant get medicard because my children are grown. I cant quality for Social Securiy disability because something about my not having enough credits for the past five years of employment even though it was due to my condition. I cant work even though I've tried cause I'm in just so much pain. Right now I am in agonizing pain. I have have no pain meds and because I cant work I have no money to go to the pain clinics because they are like $250.00 just to walk in the door. I don't know what to do . I have saved a couple of my percocets and just took the last two and I know its going to be pure hell in the morning. I am so desperate and in so much pain that I just don't think I can go on. I'm to the point that I just want to end my life because I cant stand this pain and now the WD's are going to be starting in real soon. I don't even have the money to buy them on the street. this is just pure hell. Thanks for all your help but if I cant find any pain meds or a good cheap doctor I just cant go on......
National pain institute in lake mary. If your pain is real they are great at helping, monitoring, etc.
Seeking pain management in Seminole county. I recently had a pelvic fracture, radial bone fracture reset with plates and screws, 3 broken ribs, hairline fracture of humerus & scapula. Being released from inpatient rehabilitation center and need continuing physical therapy and pain management for next 8 months.
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