I Need A Doctor Who Will Give Me Methdone 10mg In Raleigh Nc
UpdatedMy son has chronic pain in his Rt.shoulder. Methodone 10mg. three x a day was percribed for him. His doctor Rudolph J. Myers retired, and now he's in need to find an another Physician who will continue to percribed the same medication for him. He lives in Raleigh N.C.
3 Replies
Hello, Mike! How are you and your son?
Due to the new regulations that were put in place last year, if such a medication is required on a long-term ongoing basis for the management of chronic pain, he'll need to see a pain management specialist. A PCP can no longer prescribe like that.
This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
However, there is no listing of doctors that I can refer to for you according to what they will or will not prescribe. The best thing to do would be to get him set up with a new PCP and then have them refer him to a specialist.
Can anyone suggest a good doctor in that area?
Try Durham Pain and SPine. Beth Acala presribes methadone for pain and this is a pain management
Thank you for your assistance. This Beth Acala is she Pain Management physician? Can we/I find her on the Internet to contact for an appointment. Does she have her own office or what Hospital in Durham. Duke or UNC?
MS. R.
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