I Have Tried All The Major Pharmacy Chains For Norco 10 325 Cant Find Then Anywhere Can Someone Help Me Live In Long Beach Ca
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I was recently given a prescription by my pain management dr. for norco 10-325 & i am having a difficult time geting it filled ive tried numerous pharmacy chains and they all say the same thing there on back order and they dont know when theyll recieve them i live in long beach, Ca. does anyone know where i can fill my prescription (norco 10-325) long beach, California
8 Replies
What pharmacy carries 10/325 endocet yellow with zip 08052 or 08043 my pharmacy stop carrying them and they are the only ones I can take without getting sick and breaking out in hives. Please someone help mr.
Try your hardest to get off the stuff now. You can't find it, let that be some kind of cosmic, or whatever, sign and stop taking it. I was on intrathecal Morphine at 25mg at a constant flow 24/7, for seven years. At 54 years old I had my doctor stop it because I accidentally saw my diagnosis as Brain Disease. Oh hell no, I don't have brain disease! That was the worst hell anyone can be in. Don't wait until you get to that point because you will really want to die. Good luck.
i have been deemed disabled due to multiple conditions to include sle lupus, chronic arthritis, raynaud's , brain tumor and now having to deal with debilitating affects of a failed nissen fundoplication surgery which has compromised my esophagus and ability to eat and/or drink! Needless to say i was on an opiate treatment plan. which is what i need. however, my pain doc got greedy and got busted and his practice has shut down FOREVER!!!!!!! SO WHAT AM I TO DO NOW WHEN ALL THESE CONDESCENDING MD'S ARE NOT WILLING TO WRITE SCRIPTS? HAVING TO BATTLE ALL THE ABOVE THEN ADD SYMPTOMS OF WD'S!!! IM CAUSING MORE ESOPHAGEAL DAMAGE BY THROWING UP! .DOES ANYONE KNOW OF A PRESCRIBING DOCTOR IN MONTEREY COUNTY? OR DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE TO OBTAIN MEDS ONLINE WITHOUT RX? PLEASE HELP A STRANGER IN DIRE NEED!!
Can you give me the details of this mail order service, how do I find them, do they have a website?
I know they have them in VIrginia! U should call every pharmacy to ask to special order them for you. I took them for many years at 3 a day. Started at 7.5 n got bumped up to 10mgs after a few years. I really liked them as I don't feel they gave me a heavy buzz and I could function. My sister in California told me about them first as we both have fibromyalgia n chronic neck pain from car wrecks. She lived in Lake Elsmore and now near LAX. Some days I'd split them in half to stretch them out and in cold weather, I had my halves to fall back on until my next appnt. Good luck! I think Drs should prescribe those over heavy opiates. Little to none as far as withdrawals if u dint abuse them. Jus sayin.
I'm not from long beach but I'm from so. cal. and am lookin for a pharmacy as well.
What would be the criteria to get a prescription for norco? I have a herniated disc and numerous small injuries all throughout my body.
If you still have a problem finding norco, did you try a mail-order service? In the Sacramento area there's no shortage of this med, my husband is prescribed norco 10/325 @ 120 ct. Monthly from his pain management clinic. He gets them free mailed to our home through the V.A.
Hello, Walter! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having.
Unfortunately, we are now into the time of year when shortages of controlled substances usually occur, due to mandatory manufacturing limits. Once a manufacturer reaches their yearly allotted limit, they cannot manufacture any new product, until after the new year. Each year, demand inevitably exceeds supply and there are shortages for the last few months of the year.
This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
The best suggestion I can make is to speak to your pharmacist to see what they do have in stock and then ask your doctor if they can possibly prescribe it, in the meantime.
Does anyone else have any ideas or suggestions?
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