I Didn't See My Period This Month
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Hi just have a baby 4 months i saw my on the 20th of April and i didn't see it as yet all all am getting is pain like when your period is about to come please help

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I last saw my period in April.I am married with 2kids am on wafer in and high blood medication .I am worried because I feel the period pain but no period.

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Hi carleen,

Your description is a bit unclear with the absence of certain grammar techniques, so please bear with my response if it does not fully address your question. You mentioned that you saw "something or someone" on the 20th of April. I presume this is your gynecologist, although the space is blank?

You also mentioned that you "just have a baby 4 months". Does this mean you are currently pregnant or are you saying that your baby is already 4 months old?

The answer to these questions may be very helpful in order to give an appropriate response to your concerns.

If it's of any help, my research indicates that many women tend to not have a menstrual cycle during pregnancy. Although it's still possible, I think it's just less likely. But bleeding can occur during pregnancy for various reasons, some serious and some not.

In the meantime I would recommend discussing this "in-person" with your gynecologist (or doctor who focuses on women's reproductive health), so a proper evaluation can be considered if there's something else that you should be made aware of.

The more specific you can be in your description, the easier it is for others to offer assistance in any way. I hope this helps!

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