I Am Having Severe Pain My Back Hips And Thighs Have Scoliosis Bone Disk Degenerative Disease Herniated Disks Just A Mess
UpdatedI've had trouble with my since I was very young. I was diagnosed with scoliosis when I was in 4th grade. Now my curve has worsened, 52 degrees curved. Plus my disks are crumbling. They don't want to do surgery due to my age and the complications associated with the surgery. They have told me there's nothing they can do for me.
I am taking Cymbalta, Celebrex, Lyrica, Tizadine, Tramadol 200 my time release pill.
I am having really pain more so than ever due to the curve. I'm trying to force myself to stand up with out looking pathetic. I can't cope with this any longer. I don't want to fight to get on a pain pill which would help me. maybe my blood pressure would not be high. My med Dr will not prescribe narcotics. I respect her decision. She's told me there's nothing else she can do.
I've been through so many test and Dr's I'm really ready to give up. I Don't Want To Live In Pain forever.i CAN Bare It. Day after day. I try to walk. I can't hold my back up too long before I get extremely weak. If you know of a Dr who will trust me when I bring in proof and not make me go through so many ropes. I can't fight kt. I'm miserable. I'm beginning to have lock jaw. Or Something TO THE Effect. I am trying TO be positive but dang I can't live like this.
12 Replies
Hi , I too have severe scoliosis with Harrington rod inserted 1977. The last few years have been really difficult. With pain Management the only option now.
Have recently weaned myself off codeine..... Not a good experience. Had severe reaction to Acupan, trsmadol is making me extremly nauseated
and the latest offering is Duloxetine. Day one today ..I have slept all day
Feel really odd and am yawning continuously . I am weary from it all. Don't know what to do next. Can't face feeling this exhausted permanently !
Hello, Tamie! How are you? I am very sorry that you're in so much pain.
What type of doctor have you been seeing? At this point, your best bet would be a pain management specialist, because they can prescribe such medications. The quickest way to get into one would be to have your PCP refer you.
Or if you post back with your general location, people may be able to recommend good doctors in your area.
Gillgeordie, I am also curious about what type of doctor you're currently seeing, as well as your general location for recommends?
I am in the UK. North east . My doctor is really sympathetic, she has referred me back to the spinal orthopaedics dept at the hospital even though they have said in the past all surgical options have now been exhausted. I have tried many non medicinal options, yoga acupuncture, pacing. The problem is the flare ups which have no trigger point and can last from hours to weeks.
The surgeons all those years ago did an amazing job and I am eternally grateful to them. It's just that the way the rodwas
inserted has resulted in a condition now known as flat back syndrome amongst us older patients. I am 51 . If I can just get the meds that suit me, I can come through this difficult time. Thank you for your concern though I really appreciate any advice
Tamie, my heart goes out to you having to deal with the pain caused by your severely curved spine and associated disc issues!! My gosh! On top of that you're taking how many different substances??? It appears your physician is just skirting what she needs to do which is give you some pain relief, namely, a narcotic opiate prescription pain medication. I mean wth? Time to find a new doctor!!! I didn't see what your location is? Give your location and/or ask your primary care physician to refer you to a pain manager..
See a Pain Management Dr. Any dr who has the DEA # & their CDS state license and has not had their ability to rx pain meds altered by state disciplinary actions, can rx pain meds. But, many regular drs are no longer comfortable doing this due to wide spread abuse and tighter regulations.
I do not respect yer drs pain med issue. It should have NOTHING to do w her personally but to each patient individually. Sometimes only a narc will truly help in conj w other tx's...
I'm in Montgomery, Al. But will travel anywhere in the state of Al. I haven't taken any narcotics. My MD will not prescribe any type of pain med to all her patients. So I guess I need to find Pain Management Dr who won't jerk me around. It's a game.
Dear Tamie, I'm very sorry to hear of your very severe spinal issues! Would your primary care doc refer you to pain management? And physical therapy, massage, acupuncture, water therapy? At this point I'd say pain management is definitely in order. You DO have a right to proper pain control in the US. I want to wish you the best of luck! Keep us posted!
Are you on social security and foes it make you not be able to even move at all? I just want to know does it make you not mobile
BL, What you've stated is the very sad truth. And the post right after yours, June 18 sent by "Bailed" is one unfortunate & extremely detrimental reason those of us who live with daily Chronic Pain can't get the proper medication we need to have a decent quality life. This is a public forum after all. I'm sure DEA & Medical professionals cringe to see or hear of this type of foolishness. And it is all over the internet. This "Bailed" post is just one of hundreds of different things about drug diversion or those hoping to get "high" from their or someone else's medication! It's very disheartening to say the least.
I don't know where you live but you need to go to a pain specialist a pain specialist will at least try to work with you with prescription medications to get you out of pain, or at least diminish it. No one should have to live in constant pain
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