Hypotears Shortage
UpdatedHello why is there a shortage of Hypotears? I've checked CVS online and they're out of stock. Please suggest another online retailer. Thanks.
4 Replies
Hi Tonket,
I'm not aware of a shortage, but I have heard on several accounts that Hypotears was eventually discontinued by a number of different retailers (including Walmart, CVS, etc).
I haven't figured out the reasoning behind it being discontinued, but it appears that some internet shops (such as Amazon) still carry Hypotears made by Novartis. So that may be your next best bet for obtaining some before they run out of stock at some point.
Do you know what makes these eye drops any different than other similar products on the market?
Not sure why they discontinued. They were theconly drops that work for me
Systane Ultra is the best substitute I have found. It has the same active ingredient.
I think they were discontinued because the preservative is too harsh. I hope they reformulate it because I've been using Hypotears for years. I don't find that Systane is similar to Hypotears. I find that the most similar drop is Refresh Tears.
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