Hydroxychloroquine Treatment For Lupus
Updatedoval shape white pill
2 Replies
The only side effect listed relating to your eyes is altered pigmentation, meaning a color change.
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white oval pill with ZC38 on one side ## The pill in description is Hydroxychloroquine sulfate (200 mg). To view informa...
I began hydroxychloroquine on jan 19th & yesterday my primary took me off the med. Now my body is covered with hives...
I requested 60 pills from Humana. My pharmacy said it would cost me $90... The last time it cost me $18. Why? ## Pharmac...
My doctor told me to stop taking Plaquenil until she found the reason for my low white blood count. I've been off of...
i just filled a prescription for hydroxychloroquine and instead of the round pills i received an oblong pill with HCQS p...
HCQS 200 ## Hydroxychoroquine is an antimalarial drug that is also used to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis. Common side effec...
a white colored round shaped pill with M on one side and 373 on the other side, was in bottle of hydroxychloroquine sulf...
bullet shaped 698 200 ## oblong white table with HCQS in all caps and blank on other side ## 698200 Watson contains 200m...
Can I take ardosons when I take methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine for my arthritis and sciatica nerve? ## Can I take o...
If using this med for long term treatment, what are the long term effects? Does it affect your eye sight? ## Hi marge, F...