UpdatedI was perscribed perocet7.50apap on the 3rd of the month and have not seen this color of perocet 7.50apap or have I seen this color it looks beige with G on it and 226 on the bottle it has me scared cause like I said never seen this color or numbers on a perocet before.It is suppose to be for break through painmeds but since I have started taking it I sweat so much and have the chills to where I have to get up and change my clothes cause they arw so wet.Scared please if anyone has been perscribed this meds tell me.
2 Replies
Hello, Katie! How are you?
I haven't been able to find any listing for a tablet with G 226 on it. Can you please double check the imprint and post back? Thanks!
And which where you prescribed, Percocet (Oxycodone with Acetaminophen) or Vicodin (Hydrocodone with Acetaminophen)?
You mention both in your post, so I'm not certain which you're talking about.
Are u sure it's not an orange pill with c on one side and 229 on the other? That would be Percocet 7.5
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