Hydrocodone Yellowwith V On One And 3609 On The Other What Dose


yellow watson v other side

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I believe you meant to say V 3601, instead of 09 at the end. The yellow pill which you are describing is Acetaminophen + Hydrocodone bitartrate (325 mg - 10 mg).

Acetaminophen + Hydrocodone is a combination of two types of pain medicine to treat moderate to severe pain.

For more information about this drug, please refer to the link below...

If you have any more questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to help you.

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The is a new hydrocodone pill which is V3609. I was scared at first because im used to the v3601s which are yellow. These are a new brand I got from Walmart and they are white and oval with v3609, same as yellows. 10/325. I called the pharmacy to check and make sure.

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Ya i checked into it and the white v3609 are the new qualitest brand 10/325. When i seen them i wasnt sure because im used to getting the v3601s which are yellow or waston 853. The v3609s are the same 10/325. So if u get these dont be worried like i was at first. Hope this helps someone out there

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Thanks so much was hard to find a definitive answer till I saw yours. But also getting answers that claim they are 10/500? Instead of 10/325?

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I just got these instead of the yellow qualitest and I seem to have troubles urinating now. This is my second day on them so I will see what happens.

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I also have these they are white, oval with a V on one side and 3609 on the other - they are 10/325's - at least that's what the label states. Just wanted to add this comment as confirmation as there isn't much on the net - these must be fairly new and there is conflicting information. These are also from WalMart.

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They are 10/325 I received the same today from wal mart. I used to get the yellow ones with 36 01. These seem to work the same for me. The other brands make me sick. Good luck.

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I just got the white ones with 3609 imprint from Walmart today..been taking the yellow 3601 for 6 years...I have horrible pain. I am scheduling my back surgery as we speak..had an MRI this morning. Has anyone taken these yet? Do they work the same?

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unfort., they don't seem to take the edge off the same for me and seem more comparable to the crap pills I would get at Walgreens or Jewel-Osco. I've been going to Walamart because they've been the only place that still carried the yellow pill.

I know the pharmacist and the equation is all the same - 10/325. but I think there is something going on where the newer pills have a lower threshold/ mg. I E - even thought they say 10mg, they're allowed to actually get away with less. I don't know for sure, but I do know they don't work as well.


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So it seems everyone is getting the white ones in place of the yellows that actually work. The white ones don't work nearly as well. I wish I knew what was going on but we can never get a straight answer about meds we take every day! I think they are changing the formulation to try and make it less addicting. I need it to stop my pain not to feel high. It does not stop the pain I have had a terrible month with this new white pill instead of the yellow. Also from Walmart. My Doctor wrote for brand name but I am sure my insurance will deny it and out of pocket it is almost $800. Insane! America.

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I been taking yellow norco 10/325 for 12 years after my back surgery. The manufacturer is qualitest from Walmart. Qualitest no longer compounds the yellow and now they are white . I don't know what the color compound difference is. I prefer the yellow.

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They say it's still qualitest but the manufacturer on my bottles now of the white not yellow say PA as the manufacturer!?

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I agree the yellows I have been taking for years all of a sudden seem much weaker on my last two batches.

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I have been on #120 10/325 a month for the past year, therefore have a tolerance to them. I have tried all brands...mallinkrodt has always been worthless for years. Watson yellows were fine, but the whites they switched to a year or so ago are awful now. Therefore I have been going to a pharmacy 30 miles away to get the yellow qualitest V 3601 which work the best, plus give you a good feeling around 45 mins after taking them on an empty stomach. Now qualitest has done away with these and have went with a new white V 3609 pill. I received these a few days ago and the consistency is just as hard as the qualitest V 3601's. The watson, mallinkrodt and sun (new CVS brand) all contain fillers that make them soft and easy to break in two. These new white V 3609 pills have had the exact same result in feeling and pain reduction as the yellow qualitest V 3601's. Unlike their competitors white pills, these are the real deal and I will gladly take the new white qualitest pills without hesitation. Anyone who says they are like Watson white's have to be nuts. The new V 3609 are my only choice when it comes to 10 325 norco!!!!

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There is no more acetaminophen higher than 325 with any of hydrocodone pills now. It's to combat liver troubles from excessive use.

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Thank you for the answer to the white 3609 pill with a V on the other side. I had the same concern.

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Cvs still has yellows
....i got these from walmart and called cvs to see if all changed. Cvs confir ed still yellow

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No there is two different numbers for two different pills that are the same thing... v3601 and v3609 both 10 mg hydrocodone.

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So now what this mean there 10/500 instead of 10/325

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I've now have had 5 back surgeries, last on Nov 14..and these are now the only one currently available at my pharmacy. My post above was my first time id recieved them and was in excruciating pain and setting up subsequent fusion surgery..I'm following up to report that these seem to be a similar formulary as the yellow, but the in my experience tend to come on strong enough but doesn't keep pain away for as long...but that could also be because I've taken these for some time now..never abuse, always one every 6 hours..however at about the 3/4 hour mark I'm in pain again and have to suffer a bit until next dosing time. I don't know if anyone else is experiencing decreased pain relief time but that's my 2 cents .

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I too received the white ones last month when I filled my script. I also got mine from Wal-Mart, and I really couldn't tell a big difference in pain management between the white ones, and the yellow ones. If I do notice that these aren't working as well I will find a different pharmacy that still has the other ones, or try to get my pain med changed to something else, which is actually the reason I go to Wal-Mart now. I use to get my pain meds at Walgreens which is just right around the block from my house, and Wal-Mart is several miles away- (I was taking Loracet at that time, and Walgreens filled my script one month with an enteric coated Loracet that they claimed were the exact same thing except they had the enteric coating on them to make them easier to swallow, well lol they were an absolute joke, and for me and most likely everyone else too, they didn't dissolve until they were in the large intestines and by then it was time to poop them out with zero pain relief, so I switched to Wal-Mart to get the non enteric coated Loracet, but, of course, since then I can't get the good or the bad Loracet anymore anyway, so I too was switched to Norco. :(.

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Re: T (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

People the only differnts is the white pill don't have the yellow die color in it.its the same pill dose the same thing.from hydro king.

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Re: Dr T Richardson (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

I agree. I have been taking the generic for years and just picked up my new prescription at WalMart (V 3609) and after 2 hours the pain is gone. Much better than the m367 I had been getting.

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Where can I get the yellow v pills 10/325 I believe they work better

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Are you on dialysis? This could be the reason for no urination

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