Hydrocodone Withdrawal Duration
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I've been on hydrocodone 10/325 for about a year and take 3-4 per day. My pain issues are no more, and I want to stop using the hydrocodone. I have pretty bad withdrawal symptoms after about 12 hours of non-use. How long do the withdrawal symptoms normally last? Would I be better to taper or just stop using the medication cold turkey.
2 Replies
Yes, Luna is correct, it is better to taper, rather than just stop abruptly, especially with how long you've been taking it.
This is a narcotic that carries the risk of being habit forming and withdrawal effects may include nausea, dizziness, chills, fever, rebound pain and diarrhea.
Your doctor should be able to help you with a safe taper schedule, the preferred method is usually to have someone start skipping doses, while gradually lowering the dosage.
Is there anything else I can help with?
I'm no doc, bt was on that medicine for a while, bt didn't ever hv bad withdrawals. . However, I've heard by many, it's better to taper than cold turkey & keep in mind, it can be dangerous to do on your own, so I really encourage you to tapper & possibly speak w someone who knows more medically about the issue! Best of luck!
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