Hydrocodone Refill


My orginal script was a white oblong pill with imprint m367, however just got refill and the pill is yellow with imprint 170 on it, I can not find this any where. The script is for hydrocodene 10-325, Took them back in the pharmacy and they said it was the same pill just another manfacturer.Thought they should at least change the lable incase I got pulled over. And not sure what I'm taking now because I cant fin it on the internet anyplace. Please someone help Thanks

5 Replies

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M367, white oblong tablet is Hydrocodone 10 mg and Acetaminophen 325 mg. Yellow tablet with 170 imprint is Hydrocodone 7.5 mg and Acetaminophen 325 mg

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Thank- you for your reply so they did give the wrong script. Not sure what to do about that, take them back. That will not go over well, dont think so

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Joy, you did not make any mistakes, the Pharmacist did.

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I sure wish I could switch with you..I usually get the yellow and they help the pain. Just refilled and CVS gave tme this oval white M367 and it does nothing. Oh, yes it does, after taking three times as many pills to get a "tad" of relief, it makes me sleep as heck. Please swap.

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The original poster was given the wrong dosage of medication.

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