Hydrocodone Levels Urine
UpdatedI take Norco 10/325mg, 1tab q 4-6 hrs. Taking past 2 yrs chronic pain. Started seeing pain mgmt 3 months ago. I take it about every 4-5 hrs around clock. Wake up night back pain about 2 a.m. My urine drug levels past 2 months were 20,000. Dr. said it should be about 4-6,000. He accused me of popping 4-5 at a time which is completely false. Switched me to Hysingla ER 60 mg. I have to keep a log of meds taken and pill count each visit. How could my levels be so high? I don't feel I was abusing. Do you think my having taken the pill before a routine urine test might have just been at the peak level? He suspects me of abuse. No way could tolerate over 1 dose.
1 Reply
What should a person's urine level be if they take Norco 10-325mg, 1 tablet four times a day [Starting on 8/18/16 to 9/1/16]?
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