Hydrocodone Ip 115 (Page 4) (Top voted first)
UpdatedMy pharmacy just switched to the Avkare brand of Norco 7.5. The imprint on it is IP 115. I feel like these do not work at all for me. I would like to know if anyone else that are on these or ever have been on them can let me know how it works/worked for them.
Works great no problems better than most generic brands Watson yellow was the best slower release and seamed to work a lot better
Re: cliff j (# 47)
Thank you so much for taking the time to advise me & care! Bless you Cliff!!!
Re: cliff j (# 52)
Hi Cliff! In our trial w/this product thought I’d wait another week to reply to you my results since we began. Respecting your advice, research, & knowledge we all here treasure u sharing w/us, I haven’t yet shared the product name until you choose to express your review & recommendation either effective vs non-effective. I will say, for me...I have found it to be a positive result!
Re: ThunderHeart (# 53)
I did not like the pills because they did not work as advertised. First, the phone number and address on the bottle was fraudulent and second the ingredients listed on the website did not match the ingredients listed on the bottle. Normally, health and beauty aids are not returnable but all the of the misinformation amounted to fraud and I was refunded. Maybe others might like it but for me there was too much false information for me and the substance did not work.
Re: ThunderHeart (# 50)
The name of the product I ordered is called “OxyBoost”. It allegedly increases the oxytocin’s in your body (this was one of the ingredients lowered considerably by the manufacturers).I thought that by adding the oxytocin’s back in that it would make the pain pills work much better. It didn’t. The ingredients that was listed on the website and the ingredients listed on the bottle were different. I tried them anyway and after one dose I thought they might work but they did not. I returned them. There is a little more expensive product made by a different manufacturer and I may try it before I give up.
Re: cliff j (# 55)
From your results maybe in my mind I felt a difference because I wanted this product to work?!? Hopefully based on your research we will find an oxytocin replacement to balance the reduction in our pain med that were deliberately removed. I just cannot believe how us legit CP patients have been tossed to the curb.
Re: cliff j (# 55)
I’ve replied to you a few times prior to this post from you; you may get my replies later than I’d hoped as for some reason I was told my replies must be moderated by staff before posting. Hope eventually you will receive them.
Re: Mejane (# 57)
This is the first one I have seen in a while. It is late here and I will get caught up in the morning.., Thanks!
Re: cliff j (# 55)
So sorry I recommended this supplement to you to trial it along with me as I wasn’t sure if it would assist in the oxytocin production that has been removed from original formulation of our pain med u said has been reduced by 70%.
It didn’t work for me taken alone in place of med; however, taking one per day along w/ percocet has elevated my mood factor.
i have been through a situation like this before and i believe if you tell your dr that this medicine isn't working now because it was switched then they will try one more different and then u can ask your insurance company to put u back on the original medicine and they will depending on your insurance company .
HI all. So I wanted to answer this because 3 years after the original post and I experienced what I thought was a overdose taking 1/2 a pill at 12 pm then 9 hours later taking another 1/2. It was Amneal and I have been on this for a long time for chronic pain and its the first time I have ever had an issue. I was LOOPY, I mean so loopy my speech was slurred, splitting headache and gut rot and nausea. Now I know what nausea and slight headache from a narcotic is and this WAS NOT the same. My heart rate wouldnt go down for an hour and truly thought I was dying. No it wasnt withdrawl either, the day before I tried to take my normal doses and the more I took them on schedule the worst the symptoms got, It felt like I was putting poison in my body every time and unlike a narcotic effects these horrific symptoms took about 15 minutes to kick in. Anyone else deal with this on Amneal??
Re: Chad K (# 9)
So this is why everyone is suffering because of their greed..But sound like they are giving people more problems then helping..I guess that’s why people overdosing on all the other stuff trying to get relief..Thank you for sharing I would like to know more..I guess I will just put my norco in the trash ???..
I have been prescribed 7.5 hydrocodone medicine for a while now for all the common issues related to disc pain. My Kroger pharmacy could not fill the prescription last month due to supply problems and this month they could fill the prescription but now I'm on this site trying to find if I'm crazy or could the medicine I received be counterfeit. A change as I found out was made to IP115 and after a few days I started realizing the medicine was doing nothing. There is definitely something wrong and I believe this issue needs to be addressed. It is interesting for me given I am a psychologist with a speciality in substance use disorders so I am sensitive to how pain medicine is used but also the stigma attached even to therapeutic use of pain medication. I plan to address this with the pharmacy and if I can't get medicine from a different manufacturer then I will go to another pharmacy.
Ansolutely DOES NOT work for me either. My last Norco refill was AvKare. I get 1-1/2 hours of relief at most. My previous brand (Lupin) gave me 5-6 hours of relief. There is definitely a difference.
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