Hydrocodone Ip 115 (Page 2) (Top voted first)


My pharmacy just switched to the Avkare brand of Norco 7.5. The imprint on it is IP 115. I feel like these do not work at all for me. I would like to know if anyone else that are on these or ever have been on them can let me know how it works/worked for them.

74 Replies (4 Pages)

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At my pharmacy they said it's what their supplier has that they can get in. I might see if my doctor can write on my next script "no Amneal/AvKare".

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I will definitely do the same. Thank you for your opinion, I know now that it's not just my imagination. Thanks, best of luck to you.

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They’re worthless. And make you TIRED!!!!!!
Still have pain. Ask for a change is my advice.

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Yea I just got my script filled and I was GETING peach colored 7.5 325 o was do I going good then I got them filled the other day and they gave me up 115 white ones and I got a headache and I have trouble going to sleep I know something is different can anyone tell me

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Re: cliff j (# 42) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Cliff! It’s me, Jane! Cool u found this comment I left to another CP Warrior!
I was going to post u tnite; u beat me to it. I ordered the product we discussed. I wanted to wait least 3-4 to let it get into my system & see iff effective.
News is, I’m feeling a slow but positive change! More motivation & much less fatigue, NO side effects from it. I dose at 1 capsule approx every 12 hrs.
Give it a try & we’ll compare notes before we promote.

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Re: Mejane (# 43) Expand Referenced Message
As I posted earlier I realize that a product that works great for me may not work for you and vice versa. I will receive my shipment on Thursday and will begin reading and digest the information before I recommend it to anyone. Thanks for your support. I will write you as soon as I have this product figured out.

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Re: cliff j (# 45) Expand Referenced Message

I have been saying this for a long time! Thanks Cliff for also bringing this up.

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ThunderHeart (# 64) —There are several points in your post that I agree with but given the so called “opioid crisis” and the climate of this Nation we unfortunately are where we are. I had always went to Walgreens to fill my scripts. I was always given the Watson brands and I never had a complaint in many years. In January of 2018 I went to fill. The script and they were out and sent me to a nearby sister pharmacy where, unknown to me, they filled my script with the Amneal brand and it was awful. I changed Pharmacies the next month and, while the product is better, it is still not very good. It was brought to my attention that all of the opioid manufacturers changed their formulation to try and remove the “high” that a person might get but in so doing they removed most of the pain killing properties at the same time. It is not where it is made so much as what is being manufactured. If you make crap then that is what you get. The Pharmacies do not care. In fact they would be just as happy if you went someplace else. One less pain patient for them to worry about. If Pharmacies were intentionally trying to run off customers they could not do a better job.

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Re: Chad K (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I was wondering why half of these pills did nothing to help with my pain. For the past few months I've been saying half of them were duds.

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No not for me either!! They're junk!!! It's like they're giving us something else to to make us believe it's what we're precribed like it's mind over matter, damn idiots, like the pain's going to go away or something!!!

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Hello, Maria! How are you? Has there been any change?

As permitted by the Hatch-Waxman Act of 1984, there can be fluctuations in generic medications. They are allowed to differ in the amount of the active ingredients by as much as plus or minus 20% of what's in the name brand, additionally, they do not have to measure against each other, only against the name brand.

Thus it is possible that this one is a little lower than the prior one you were taking. However, since the differences are slight, most people adjust within a week, or so.

The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation.

I haven't had any problems with their products, but I can only speak for myself, and it's been years since I took their Norco.

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I took the IP 115 for pain from wisdom teeth removal at around 12 pm, now im in a large amount of pain and i cant take any pain meds like the 800mg of ibuprofen prescription until 8 o’clock but the pain is unbearable and ice packs dont help at all, im trying to find out if it would be safe for me to take another hydrocodone IP 115 now, at approximately 6 oclock, please respond quick if you know!

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I think they are creating 'addicts' by making them take pills over the outlined dose. This is ridiculous. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way though.

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Re: Chad K (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I’d like to share a true experience that coincides with your facts. A few years ago the doctor put me on Norcal 10/325 and I was still in such an enormous amount of pain that I ended up in the ER. They ended up doing a CT to diagnose me and the doctor came back and asked me “had I eaten fish bones recently”. I told him, why? And he explained that it looked like fish bones in my colon but it was the undigested norcos sitting there!! Like you mentioned Chad, the body doesn’t absorb these pain meds and I’m living proof that they don’t! They switched me to Percocet at that point. What they are doing is just not right to those of us that have legit pain and abide by the darn rules!!

God Bless,

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Re: Chad K (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Hi I went from pill M366 to IP115. I don't feel that they are equal. After reading your post I wonder if there is company or drug that would be more reliable than Norco. I am in back pain and can't go without medication, but after reading your post I'm worried about the plastics.

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Re: Chad K (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for sharing! I've be on hydrocodone 10mg for 19 years and I want off them. I'm getting this weird feeling in my spine almost as its in my spinal cord. It will wake me from my sleep if I can sleep. If I don't take it with in 10 hours I get this horrible feeling you can't shake off feels like I need to keep moving my body trying to shake the feeling and I have to take a hydrocodone to make that feeling stop. I feel like it's with drawls. Every time I take it I get nauseous and sometimes throw up my stomach burns and I can't eat very much. Since they changed it I haven't felt well and lost 10 pounds in two weeks. I see why people die because it makes you feel like Jumping off a cliff it's so bad. Are they anything else I could take for chronic pain that's not a narcotic?

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Re: Maria (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Amneal is garbage!! It made me deathly sick!! Mallinckrodt used to be good but I've noticed in the past 2 months that has changed too!! It makes me sick to my stomach!! What the hell are these companies doing changing the medicine!!!!? These generics are pure crap!! Anything made by Amneal is s***!!

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This garbage is made by Amneal. It almost put me in the emergency room it made me so sick, sick to my stomach, shakes, hot and cold flashes and symptoms that felt like withdrawal!! Take what you have left to your doctor and tell them what's going on. Have a new script made out for the remaining amount. Find a pharmacy that does not use this s*** generic!! I had so many problems with this generic brand Amneal. I wish I could find a test kit that I can test my medicine with to see what is really in it. All generics are worthless these days. It is not right that insurance companies are forcing this s*** on us!! Keep us posted.

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Re: ThunderHeart (# 37) Expand Referenced Message
Unfortunately, we are at a time in this Country where the manufacturers feel they can get away with anything they want because of the political climate and so called "opioid crisis". The manufacturers are getting away with these gross modifications because they can. After all they figure that they are doing anything that they think helps the so called "problem". I have said to the Doctors that no longer want to prescribe opiate based pain medication that THEY are not the problem. As long as they have the medical history to support their prescriptions they are okay. Many were just passing out these pain medications with little or no good reason and so the Doctors were and are attacked. The biggest issue that I have seen is that the good Doctors that are trying to do the right things are being swept up with all of the bad Doctors that are really few and far between.

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Re: Chad K (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, I want to see your pics and read all you know on the subject. Thank you, it is great that finally I read a true answer about the deceit and robbery that’s been going on with the pharmaceutical company’s,not to mention the damage to the unaware consumers, like myself. I have known for at least 10 years + that our prescription meds are not what we think they are.

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