Hydrocodone Ip 115 (Page 2)
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My pharmacy just switched to the Avkare brand of Norco 7.5. The imprint on it is IP 115. I feel like these do not work at all for me. I would like to know if anyone else that are on these or ever have been on them can let me know how it works/worked for them.

74 Replies (4 Pages)

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Re: cliff j (# 52) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Cliff! In our trial w/this product thought I’d wait another week to reply to you my results since we began. Respecting your advice, research, & knowledge we all here treasure u sharing w/us, I haven’t yet shared the product name until you choose to express your review & recommendation either effective vs non-effective. I will say, for me...I have found it to be a positive result!

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Re: cliff j (# 52) Expand Referenced Message

Please tell me if it works. Thank you Cliff.

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Re: Mejane (# 48) Expand Referenced Message
I received my supplement package last week and after I have had sufficient time to give it a fair chance I will post my experience with it. Thanks!

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Re: ThunderHeart (# 50) Expand Referenced Message
I received a supplement last week and have been taking it for a few days. While I am not totally disappointed, I feel that I need to take it at least two weeks to give it a fair chance. Many times supplements that work well for others do not work all that well on me. Let me give this supplement a fair amount of time to see if it is effective. I know what it says it is for but the jury is still out for me. After I have given this supplement a fair amount of time to show whether it is effective or not I will post my experience with it. I do not believe there is any magic pill that will blow my socks off.

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Re: cliff j (# 47) Expand Referenced Message

Cliff I am also interested in this supplement you mentioned. Please let me know how it goes. Im on a very limited income but would invest in this if it works.
Thank so much!

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Re: cliff j (# 45) Expand Referenced Message

I have been saying this for a long time! Thanks Cliff for also bringing this up.

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Re: cliff j (# 47) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you so much for taking the time to advise me & care! Bless you Cliff!!!

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Re: Mejane (# 43) Expand Referenced Message

You may need to give it at least two weeks or maybe even a month to fully understand whether this pill will help. Sometimes it takes a while to get the full residual effect from any substance. Keep me posted and I am glad it seems to be working so far. Btw, I received a shipping notice that my package will arrive on Thursday.

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Re: cliff j (# 44) Expand Referenced Message

You truly care about others. Thank you Cliff for sharing your knowledge with us.

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Re: ThunderHeart (# 37) Expand Referenced Message
The issue of the manufacturers changing the formulation of the pills is that they are being cheered on by BOTH parties in Congress and allowed to have a free hand in whatever they do as long as they do not kill people instantly. Never mind the long term. NO, manufacturers are NOT Doctors but if you are given a free hand to do whatever you want and the people that are supposed to monitor you to be sure you are manufacturing an EFFECTIVE drug just look the other way then you will just manufacture any piece of crap pill because the only ones who suffer from your transgressions are the long term chronic pain sufferers. Since they cannot get to the real culprits which are the street drug addicts then they need to take their problems out on the ones they can get their hands on which is the chronic pain sufferers that get their medications legally through scripts and have never abused them.

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Re: Mejane (# 43) Expand Referenced Message
As I posted earlier I realize that a product that works great for me may not work for you and vice versa. I will receive my shipment on Thursday and will begin reading and digest the information before I recommend it to anyone. Thanks for your support. I will write you as soon as I have this product figured out.

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Re: cliff j (# 42) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Cliff! It’s me, Jane! Cool u found this comment I left to another CP Warrior!
I was going to post u tnite; u beat me to it. I ordered the product we discussed. I wanted to wait least 3-4 to let it get into my system & see iff effective.
News is, I’m feeling a slow but positive change! More motivation & much less fatigue, NO side effects from it. I dose at 1 capsule approx every 12 hrs.
Give it a try & we’ll compare notes before we promote.

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Re: cliff j (# 40) Expand Referenced Message
It appears that I am answering my own post but as an addendum I have ordered a bottle of what has been reputed to be an oxytocin booster. I cannot find any reviews, what is actually in the pill, or ANY reference to who manufacturers these pills. When they arrive I will first read the label and see if the manufacturer is listed and what the ingredients are. IF everything checks out I will give them a try and I will let people know if they work for ME. Many times an over the counter medication will work well for me but does not work well for others. I am not out too much money if this is a total bust. We will see. I am not releasing the name of the pill until I can further check it out. I do not want others to get taken if this proves to be bogus. I will be the guinea pig. Let’s see if this booster works as advertised or is a line of crap.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Very informative! Never knew of the Hatch-Waxmen Act of 1984! Wow, this sure opens up a can of worms & answers the question we are all having as we suffer new miserable side effects of especially generic brand pain meds. Its been obvious the drastic sudden change of formulation ie; percocet oxycodone & hydrocodone! This Act from 1984 must be given the “hachett” as we are all suffering & getting sick from bogus fillers & less active ingredients that are allowed by FDA to assist Big Pharma in making more $$ & meanwhile disregarding the health/well-being of the patient!

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Re: Maria (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Julie (# 4) —To all of you complaining about your pain medications aside from the fact that by law manufacturers have been allowed to lower the active ingredients by 20% recently, to try and reduce the addictive qualities they have reduced the oxytocin’s by 70%. This has made the medications almost worthless. While trying to reduce the substance that they believed reduced addiction they, at the same time, made the medications almost worthless. Many of the manufacturers are being sued by people and States that have bottomless pockets financially and they simply want to drive these manufacturers into bankruptcy and hopefully out of business. All the while people with inoperable conditions and use their pain medications responsibly are caught in the middle.

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Re: Chad K (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, I want to see your pics and read all you know on the subject. Thank you, it is great that finally I read a true answer about the deceit and robbery that’s been going on with the pharmaceutical company’s,not to mention the damage to the unaware consumers, like myself. I have known for at least 10 years + that our prescription meds are not what we think they are.

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Re: ThunderHeart (# 37) Expand Referenced Message
Unfortunately, we are at a time in this Country where the manufacturers feel they can get away with anything they want because of the political climate and so called "opioid crisis". The manufacturers are getting away with these gross modifications because they can. After all they figure that they are doing anything that they think helps the so called "problem". I have said to the Doctors that no longer want to prescribe opiate based pain medication that THEY are not the problem. As long as they have the medical history to support their prescriptions they are okay. Many were just passing out these pain medications with little or no good reason and so the Doctors were and are attacked. The biggest issue that I have seen is that the good Doctors that are trying to do the right things are being swept up with all of the bad Doctors that are really few and far between.

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Re: cliff j (# 36) Expand Referenced Message

You are so right Cliff!! Im glad Im not the only one who has ecperienced both of these!! The pain meds these days dont work!! What gives any corporation the right to change our medications!!?? THEY ARE NOT DOCTORS EITHER ????????

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Re: Julie (# 4) Expand Referenced Message
Pharmacists are getting involved in a person’s treatment plan without having any information on WHY the patient was prescribed a certain medication, without having any of the patients medical records, and last, but not least they are PHARMACISTS—- NOT DOCTORS. While they do have a pharmacy degree they are NOT Doctors. I do not know for sure how to stop these Pharmacists from practicing medicine but that is what many are doing. Just, FYI many of the pain medications have been reformulated after this so called “opioid crisis”. I have been informed that not only do these manufacturers get away with putting in up to 20% less active ingredient in a pill they have also reengineered the medication to have 70% less Oxytocin in the pill. They thought that by reducing the oxytocin in the medication that it would make it less addictive but the problem is reducing the oxytocin also made the medicine almost worthless as a pain reliever. It is less addictive with less oxytocin but it is also way less effective. They engineered the pain relief out of these pain pills which is why many are prescribed them in the first place.

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This garbage is made by Amneal. It almost put me in the emergency room it made me so sick, sick to my stomach, shakes, hot and cold flashes and symptoms that felt like withdrawal!! Take what you have left to your doctor and tell them what's going on. Have a new script made out for the remaining amount. Find a pharmacy that does not use this s*** generic!! I had so many problems with this generic brand Amneal. I wish I could find a test kit that I can test my medicine with to see what is really in it. All generics are worthless these days. It is not right that insurance companies are forcing this s*** on us!! Keep us posted.

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