Hydrocodone Ip 115 (Page 4)
UpdatedMy pharmacy just switched to the Avkare brand of Norco 7.5. The imprint on it is IP 115. I feel like these do not work at all for me. I would like to know if anyone else that are on these or ever have been on them can let me know how it works/worked for them.
Re: Mejane (# 60)
No apologies are necessary. The product, OxyBoost, was NOT as advertised FOR ME. I am glad taking the product works for you and you feel it is doing something for you. As I have stated many times, a pill that works for one person may not work for another person. Both people are right. I am going to try another product that is a little more expensive than OxyBoost before I just put it on the back burner. Products are developed every year to address other situations that are created by opioid manufacturers to appease government officials. Some one will see the void for a product and create one that is effective for the majority. I'll keep you posted after I receive the other product.
Re: Mejane (# 60)
I forgot to add that I believe that I was the one that may have recommended the product to you. It has too much caffeine in OxyBoost for me and caffeine was not even disclosed as an ingredient on their website. Only when I got the bottle did it say caffeine on it. The many red flags like the phone number on the bottle is a valid number but it rings to "Car Gurus". The address to Las Vegas is bogus. The ingredients listed on their webpage says one thing but after I received the bottle it listed different ingredients. Just too many red flags for me but I would not even care about these discrepancies if the product worked for me. Also, their "Offices" are in England and the Netherlands. I am going to try a different product. I will keep you advised.
Re: Mejane (# 57)
The people who want to come down on the so called "opioid abuse" cannot get the REAL street addicts so it is just easier to attack the Chronic Pain patients and that way they can say "Look! We are doing something". Actually they are prosecuting the innocent because they cannot get the real culprits.
Re: cliff j (# 63)
You have that right Cliff!!
I cant start a forum so I hope you dont mind if I jump in here. I WILL be reporting this to the FDA tomorrow. AMNEAL COMPANY drugs should NOT BE ALLOWED IN THE UNITED STATES!! Why they are allowed to dump their lousy medicines to our pharmacies is beyond me. Their drugs are pure s***!! And they know it while laughing all the way to the bank at how stupid the U.S. is in not having the FDA monitor the making of medicine. These are my experiences with Amneal made medicines- In New Mexico I had a prescription for hydrocodone. I went to a pharmacy near my home. I got the Ambeal IP s***. I noticed right away it DID NOT RELIEVE MY PAIN. But i had severe reactions that put me in the ER. Vomiting, diarrhea, itching, sneezing headache, cold sweats. I took that crap back to the pharmacy. They could not take it. Went to my doc for a new script and got my medicine from Smiths. No problem with the Mallinckrodt, even though it is weak. 2nd experience with Amneal s***- I picked up xanax from a Walgreens in Reno. Xanax normally gets me out of panic attacks with no side effects. Once again I had severe reactions. It DID NOT WORK. It made me get muscle spasms and twitches. Along with itching and more panicky feelings. I looked at the manufacturer and sure enough it was Amneal s*** again. We back to doc and got a new script and went back to Smiths. 3rd event- tonight I broke open a gabapentin capsule. I powder my medicines. The capsule was empty. Read the label and it is made by Amneal. No surprise.
Walgreens is guilty of dispensing Amneal products. I found that out the hard way. I raised a stink with them and told them to stop dispensing this garbage!! Amneal is pure crap!! This company needs to be stopped from selling its s*** medicine here. It is made in India. The most polluted and dirty countries. I'm contacting the FDA once again. Beware people. Ask your pharmacists before you pick up your meds who the manufacturer is and refuse it if it's made by Amneal. Get another brand. The generics the insurance companies are forcing on us these days are garbage and I am pissed!!! INSURANCE COMPANIES DID NOT GO TO MEDICAL SCHOOL!! They have no right to force generic garbage on us!!
ThunderHeart (# 64) —There are several points in your post that I agree with but given the so called “opioid crisis” and the climate of this Nation we unfortunately are where we are. I had always went to Walgreens to fill my scripts. I was always given the Watson brands and I never had a complaint in many years. In January of 2018 I went to fill. The script and they were out and sent me to a nearby sister pharmacy where, unknown to me, they filled my script with the Amneal brand and it was awful. I changed Pharmacies the next month and, while the product is better, it is still not very good. It was brought to my attention that all of the opioid manufacturers changed their formulation to try and remove the “high” that a person might get but in so doing they removed most of the pain killing properties at the same time. It is not where it is made so much as what is being manufactured. If you make crap then that is what you get. The Pharmacies do not care. In fact they would be just as happy if you went someplace else. One less pain patient for them to worry about. If Pharmacies were intentionally trying to run off customers they could not do a better job.
Re: Chad K (# 9)
I was wondering why half of these pills did nothing to help with my pain. For the past few months I've been saying half of them were duds.
i have been through a situation like this before and i believe if you tell your dr that this medicine isn't working now because it was switched then they will try one more different and then u can ask your insurance company to put u back on the original medicine and they will depending on your insurance company .
HI all. So I wanted to answer this because 3 years after the original post and I experienced what I thought was a overdose taking 1/2 a pill at 12 pm then 9 hours later taking another 1/2. It was Amneal and I have been on this for a long time for chronic pain and its the first time I have ever had an issue. I was LOOPY, I mean so loopy my speech was slurred, splitting headache and gut rot and nausea. Now I know what nausea and slight headache from a narcotic is and this WAS NOT the same. My heart rate wouldnt go down for an hour and truly thought I was dying. No it wasnt withdrawl either, the day before I tried to take my normal doses and the more I took them on schedule the worst the symptoms got, It felt like I was putting poison in my body every time and unlike a narcotic effects these horrific symptoms took about 15 minutes to kick in. Anyone else deal with this on Amneal??
No not for me either!! They're junk!!! It's like they're giving us something else to to make us believe it's what we're precribed like it's mind over matter, damn idiots, like the pain's going to go away or something!!!
Re: Chad K (# 9)
Thank you for the information. I never knew this till now
Re: Chad K (# 9)
So this is why everyone is suffering because of their greed..But sound like they are giving people more problems then helping..I guess that’s why people overdosing on all the other stuff trying to get relief..Thank you for sharing I would like to know more..I guess I will just put my norco in the trash ???..
Re: Chad K (# 9)
I would like to communicate. Just changed from Amneal to AP KARE and the first one I took seemed like the pain was still pretty much there, maybe slightly better, But DAMN LITTLE. NOT HAPPY.
I have been prescribed 7.5 hydrocodone medicine for a while now for all the common issues related to disc pain. My Kroger pharmacy could not fill the prescription last month due to supply problems and this month they could fill the prescription but now I'm on this site trying to find if I'm crazy or could the medicine I received be counterfeit. A change as I found out was made to IP115 and after a few days I started realizing the medicine was doing nothing. There is definitely something wrong and I believe this issue needs to be addressed. It is interesting for me given I am a psychologist with a speciality in substance use disorders so I am sensitive to how pain medicine is used but also the stigma attached even to therapeutic use of pain medication. I plan to address this with the pharmacy and if I can't get medicine from a different manufacturer then I will go to another pharmacy.
Ansolutely DOES NOT work for me either. My last Norco refill was AvKare. I get 1-1/2 hours of relief at most. My previous brand (Lupin) gave me 5-6 hours of relief. There is definitely a difference.
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