Hydrocodone Capsule 10mg
UpdatedCapsule light blue with light blue powder inside red line on end no numbers
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PLEASE HELP WITH PINK HYDROCODONE CAPSULE!!! There's a new hydrocodone capsule that has apparently just been release...
A clear capsule with blue powder and no markings or imprints ## I found a jar of clear capsules with a black band. It ha...
I have hot pink hydrocodone 15/150 thats from a compounding pharmacy without markings ## That is normal, since the pharm...
broken neck,back ,perlvis,top and bottom and brokenjaw bone,broken hip ## Hydrocodone only comes in a max 10 mg in combi...
This capsule is dark blue. It has Watson 794 on it. A friend of mine is asking me if it is Hydrocodone, I am not sure an...
I have a red unmarked capsule. Was told it's a 15mg hydrocodone. They said they had to be special made. Is this true...
This is a grey and yellow capsule with no markings on it. Suppose to be hydrocodone 20 mg. is this true ## If there are ...
I received my usual prescription of Hydrocodone (10mg. compound form, no additives/Tylenol, etc...) from a new/different...
Blue and white capsule imprint watson on one side 3220 on the other supposed to be 30 mg hydrocodone ## Hello, Melissa! ...
is this what is says it is, no marking on capsule, no taste to powder ## Hello, Daisy! How are you? Very doubtful. All m...