Hydrocodone Bitartrate Apap (Top voted first)


is this med suppost to be pink ??

4 Replies

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There are some that are pink, some that are white, some that are yellow….

I think you get where I'm going with this, the color is totally up to the whit and whim of the manufacturer.

What are the markings on them?

If you want to make sure that they contain Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen, I can check for you, if you post back with the markings on them.

Learn more Vicodin details here.

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I have been taking Norco 5/325 for quite some time, well Monday I went to fill my prescription and was given hydrocodone/acetaminophen 5-325 TB ; manufactured by actavis , I didn't realize till after I left the pharmacy they were different, anyway since I've been getting the same thing for so long I ask them to shred the bag and paperwork on this medicine , well I've got dry mouth, drowsiness and I'm thinking other side effects I'm going to go get the paperwork because I am very concerned about what I am taking , anything you can help me with

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I got my hydrocodone/acetaminophen 5/325 refilled and the tabs are different. These are white, oval with 2172 imprint. Actavis manufacturer. The only pills u can find are the 2171's but they are 2.5mgs. How come i cant find the 2172 anywhere online with an image?

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Does yours have the 2172 imprint also? I noticed same thing when i refilled mine this month.

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