Hydrocodone 2172 (Page 5) (Top voted first)
UpdatedHey, i got these pills today from walgreens and i have taken 3 so far and still no affect on my pain. Has anyone else had this same problem because idk of they took most of the hydro out of these new pills but there's definitely something wrong. I will not be getting these from my Dr again.
This how people become severely addicted , you have little effect so you keep taking more then you run out early and go through some level of withdrawals every month. This is seriously dangerous. If your going to do this you have to have effective pain relief each day for 30 days , I have gone through Percs and hydros from actavis , 2172 ugh Rhodes terrible. The qualitest seem a bit better. I wonder if anyone has been able to compare brand against generic
Re: Laurie (# 18)
Most people find that Hydrocodone (when you're unaccustomed to taking it) will give you a mild feeling of euphoria. It can also cause you to be "chatty" -- some people prattle on and on about nothing, without even realizing that they're doing it.
Re: MIKE (# 81)
the imprint says Watson 853 but the manufacture is Actavis and they are crap
Re: Shawn (# 4)
All the pharmacies are switching from Watson 5-325 to a weaker Manufacturer. This is a big problem, no one is getting out of pain. It's like taking a heavy dose of aspirin. Pharmacies now have contracts with the new manufacturers. Maybe you can order Watson from these places. I have called 10 pharmacies. Good luck. Let your Doctors know is my advice.
Yes I got 2172 from Walgreens and they have no affect what so ever on my back pain. I thought I was immmune from this type of pain killer until I started reading other people’s complaint. This is a rip off.
Re: Susan (# 90)
Watson is no longer Watson they sold out to Actavis but the pills say Watson on them, yet they are just using the name and the pain pills give no relief. They are like taking nothing, but other pharmacies are also changing to different manufacturers. It's whoever has the lowest bid gets the contract.
They are thé joker or pain pulls they do nothing for pain
Re: Shawn (# 4)
These people think we are stupid they do not work !!! You are lucky if you can even get anything at all this blows me away doctors and PH are now calling TRAMADOL a controlled substance !!
Are you able to stay active.
I've been taking tramadl but have t to switch bre cuz of interaction with cymbalta s m going to take the hydro 5. Will it affect my work?
I may be mistaken, or maybe Vic's & percs have same alpha/num. Anyway A333 I know as perc. 10/325, mfg.? I find work very well, now A332 are perc.7.5/325, mfg.? I've found A332's work very well, comparable to A333's. Now Vic's, I just changed from 7.5/300 to 10/300 & 325 Same mfg. 10/300-SUCK 10/325 mfg. Tris.- fair. People I'm on here for educational and informational purposes. I need pain meds to function! NOT addicted DEPENDENT!! Make no mistake there are major differences w/ meds ex: 1mg. alprazolam Sandoz-mfg. another mfg. (don't feel like looking up mfg) I keep detailed notes on all my meds. If u need & want to understand these meds, all meds!! Pay attention, keep notes. But gets down to the almighty dollar. Pharm. takes the cheapest, end of story. How often do u see "Watson"? me hardly ever. God forbid name brand! Thus also applies to IV antibiotics. Ex. Zosyn name vs a cocktail of 2 = Not the freaking same, ergo in 16 months 8X, 3 week Iv "zosyn" treatments. Then 3 week oral to follow, levaquin & flagyl, Great! now a recall on levaquin. No Drs had a clue about this??? If ur sick & depend on meds. Educate, notes, observations, comments. Oh it probably won't change anything , except you'll be the wiser. Thanks for ur time, I hope I've helped anybody. Sadly healthcare us Broken. Everyone has an opinion. People, all positions in healthcare. Pain ? Take a pill/ Don't take Opioids. "Take a Tylenol" i****s!!! Thing is, it can create 1 to? Oneself, more to say but only 1 terabyte of data left. lok. Last. People if ur doing this for recreational?? STOP IT! ****S. Sincerely ABA. I'LL BE BACK, I Like this open hopefully honest forum over something, that literally (pain meds) determines ..Do I cont. to fight to get surgeries, etc. I need!! 04-2014 to present still trying to get help I need. 20 911's 4 hosp. stays, near death (bacterial infection) 3-4 X's, 3rd in house nurse. 9 out of last 16 months I've had a line in me. 8 very serious problems for yrs . Since 2012. Now I'm just worse. I'm going legal, Sorry for dumping on u people. Thank you & God bless us all & (health care) which I now deem as an oxy (don't get excited) oxy Moron, u know like jumbo shrimp, military intelligence. Really like this site. ABA.
What about Walmart or Sam's Club? Any better than Walgreen's as I'm having the same problem with the 10/325s. Last month I took 3 and still no relief. I don't have insurance so basically I'm flushing $$$ down the toilet each month.
STAY away from the "big box" stores, I have said this before and I'll say it again! Please, they get the "bottom of the barrel" for meds. Costs less for them but bad for you!
These pills are garbage. No pain relief. Just like the generic Valium I take. I'm switching pharmacies. Call pharmacy before you fill scripts. They use crappy cheap ingredients.
Try with Subutex! If Your pain is chronic it will help You a LOT !
I totally agree with you. All it does is constipate you with no relief. If I got them any where else I would be loopy on 1/2 of one take 3 and nothing I just gave up.
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