Hydrocodone 2172 (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Hey, i got these pills today from walgreens and i have taken 3 so far and still no affect on my pain. Has anyone else had this same problem because idk of they took most of the hydro out of these new pills but there's definitely something wrong. I will not be getting these from my Dr again.

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I have to go to Walgreens as of the first what do I ask my doctor to write now ? Name brand vs generic ?

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I had to type out an affidavit and have it notarized Tuesday for my pain management doctor in order for him to re write.... problem
Is my insurance is leaving CVS and moving to Walgreens where the problem originated with the 2172 white flat pill! I need to find out who their manufacturers ALL are before he writes this script Tuesday and this sucks we have to do this. I have to pay a notary all bc Walgreens manufacturer changed. I reported to the FDA and Walgreens Consumer Relations Dept.... Its not my doctors fault. Ugh, I'm so angry and wish I could stay with CVS and get the pill 3604 with the speckles In it and they use Qualitest manufacturer by the way.

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Agree it happened to me this week and
Now my doctor has to re write script with an afadavid by me noterized ! I have to go to Walgreens as of Jan 1 and I need to know exactly what their brand and generics are before this is written Tuesday . I'm petrified the 2172 do not work . Advantis is horrible and cvs uses qualitest and they are the best .

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Walgreens veer away from them
Go to CVS instead.. it's a shame what I have an all of us are going through with Walgreens

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Are 325/5 2172 the same as 5/325 hydrocodone pills?

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Yes. No effect whatsoever . I was thinking they switched pills on me, but the imprint number does match up. I still have all the pain and am not even sleepy.
Where do we complain?

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I have put in complaints to the FDA about activis and how the pills do not work its like taking an aspirin it seems like all pills coming from Activis do not work my doctor had prescribed Kadian which is morphine well the manufacture was Activis and they didn't help at all so he switched me to tablets 30 MG which is from a different manufacture and they help I take also the Norco 10/325 mg which I get from walgreens and the manufacture is Activis and they do not work if taken alone these are suppose to be a break through pill I have to take 2 with the morphine to help try a different pharmacy and see who they get them from a lot of ppl have complained about Walgreens it seems like they don't want to change who they get them from

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I am not sure who Walmart or sam's club carries but before you get your prescription filled ask them who the manufacture is I heard that CVS carries Qualiest I don't think that's the right spelling for the manufacture but those are the best

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Georgia, the next time you get a prescriptioin filled for this medication ask the pharmacist to Not give you this generic brand. Sometimes insurance companies determine what generics are used.

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I have been on cymbalta for 5 years.
I have taking 5mg. Norco off and on for years due to pain. I have had no drowsiness.
No change what so ever.
Hope this helped. But everyone reacts different .

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Yes I noticed the same thing. I have to take two to theee just to get any relief maybe they are just ploboseivo with very little hydro. I know I have been taking norco for awhile but this formula sucks.

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I just had diverticulitis and filled a scrip of 2702 at Walgreens and it did absolutely nothing to relieve the pain. Also there is such a thing as too much acetaminophen if you keep take more and more to try to relieve your pain.

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I've taken 2 2171 norco and I have been itching for 30 minutes and has no pain. Im not a regular taker but I feel no pain.

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They don't work for me either. They used to have the dots in them and those work. I got my Dr to prescribe the real one, not genaric it's watsun 913, costs $85.

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It's so people cant mix the pill or make other drugs with them. There's your answer for it not being effective to your body numbness.

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I was on hydrocodone 10/325 120 a month every 6 hours for severe chronic pain from a stroke. I've been cut down to 60 a month this past month. My body was used to the 120. Now that I'm down to taking 60, I'm having pain continuously! Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks

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I am concerned as well and feel this 2172 pain med is not up to standards. I can't tell any difference when I take this pill. I need a new knee and this med is like taking a single Tylenol and it tastes like Tylenol only with no other taste noted from hydrocodone. I am going to call Walgreens tomorrow and tell them about all the unhappy people they have with this med. I hope this will help.

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I have the same ones and it feels like it's doing nothing for my back pain sadly

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Re: Ray (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I have the same ones and it feels like it's doing nothing for my back pain sadly

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