Hydrocodone 10500


I found a light blue watson with 340 pn it

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Located a match to a similar pill, Click here to see a picture of the pill. If this is your pill it's Acetaminophen 500 mg and Hydrocodone bitartrate 10 mg. Acetaminophen + Hydrocodone combines two types of pain medicine to treat moderate to severe pain.

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I use this pills 10/500for more than three years. Almost a year was the color of this pills Pink was taken from, but it was very expensive price was the pills About $ 3.Has been changed to the same treatment, but cheaper and pills color light blue color.I went to another pharmacy gave me the pills color (white). My question is there a difference between them and any best one of all this

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I had been taking 10-500T Hydrocodone/acetominophen purchased from Walgreens Pharmacy for more than a year with good results for controlling back pain. These were light blue oval tablets with "Watson 540" on one side and a score line on the other side. Suddenly my prescription was filled at Walgreens with oval white tablets which the pharmacist advised were no different from the blue tablets except for the lack of blue dye. The tablets were still oval and had "Watson 540" on one side and the score line on the other side. However, taking the same dose of these white tablets made me feel very ill: chills, nausea, sleepiness, dizziness upon changing position. At first I thought the adverse effects were from some other cause than the medication but I had a small amount of the previous tablets still available and returning to them ended the symptoms. I tried the white tablets again with the same adverse effects. My doctor agreed to change my medication to 10-325T. This from Walgreens was also supplied by Watson. It was a yellow oval tablet with "Watson 853" on one side and a score line on the other side. These seemed fine for several refill prescriptions but then I experienced the same symptoms as those I'd encountered with the white 10-500 tablets. The next prescription filled by Walgreens was with oval white tablets still stamped "Watson 853" and these also caused the adverse symptoms. There is no doubt that there has been some change in the hydrocodone medication supplied by Watson. I have turned the "bad" tablets over to my doctor and requested a new prescription which I can have filled from a pharmacy that gets their tablets from a different manufacturer and hope that solves the problem.

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