Hydrocodon Vs Hyslinga Er (Top voted first)


What is the difference between Hyslinga ER and Hydrocodone?

9 Replies

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It doesn't need to be a law. The govt has such tight restrictions and put doctors through all kinds of hell if narcotics are continually prescribed. Just because it isn't an actual "law" doesn't mean doctors aren't held accountable to people who think they know better about controlling your meds. You already have insurance companies dictating what you need, you have the DEA dictating what you need, you have state elected officials dictating what you need, and now you have the feds sticking their nose into it as well. Doctors are becoming scared to prescribe anything anymore when it comes to pain. They are now referring people to pain management just because of all the govt intervention. Don't be so quick to blame doctors or accuse of kickbacks. Put your time to better use and write your elected officials and tell them to stay the hell away from your medical needs! Demand a law that govt cannot force feed insurance companies on you and especially "govt care" as well as a law stating govt cannot have access to any of your medical records. Also, tell them to keep the DEA out of private healthcare and to keep their nose out of your files with your doctor. You can complain all you want in here and other threads but then you're just preaching to the choir. Go to: usa.gov/elected-officials and look up your elected officials and send them an email with your concerns. Nothing will happen if you don't get involved at the right level!

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There are no laws that say a Dr can or cannot prescribe immediate release meds with long acting for break through pain..it is up to each Dr how they prescribe for each patient. Break through meds shouldn't be taken every day. It seems that a lot of drs are not prescribing by meds for their patients that take them daily instead of as needed.

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Hyslinga ER is Extended Release Hydrocodone. The way it is made, it can't be abused as easily as Zohydro, which is also Extended Release. It also contains no Tylenol. But, it is very expensive because it was just approved and many insurance companies won't cover it.

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BL is correct. As far as effectiveness, I am being forced by my physician to find out. He posted a small sign in his office that states,
"Due to DEA/Narcotic regulations, ALL patients currently taking Norco 7.5/325 or 5/325 and Percocet 7.5/325 or 5/325 will now be prescribed Hysingla ER, or will have to go to pain management."
I have had 4 back surgeries, and have been on hydrocodone 7.5 for 10 years! Since when is the DEA my physician?
I have not been able to verify that this new regulation is authentic, or if my doc is simply getting a kickback for prescribing Hysingla.

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Pain Addled Patient, there are no new regulations that tell a dr whaht they can and can't prescribe. Although telling the dr you know that won't make any difference. Most people will believe anything their dr tells them. The FDA does recommend extended release pain meds for chronic moderate to severe pain that requires medications around the clock. But that is not the same thing as a Law. It is up to each dr to prescribe for their patients.

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My pain management physician prescribed Hyslinga ER, but I can't find a pharmacy to fill the script. Does anyone have any ideas who carriers this new med? Thanks for any suggestions.

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The same thing happened to me, I couldn't find a pharmacy to fill the Rx. I went back to my usual pharmacy (WalMart) and they said they could order it for me and it would be there the next day. That's what I did.

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Definitely a kickback. They can't put everyone soley on an extended release pain med without giving some of them on immediate release meds too for beakthrough pain. That's b.s.

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I nfounf the prescription at Rite-Aid in Pittsburgh, Pa..they had to order it, but it came in two days after ordering Hope this helps...

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