Hy An Pills Period Sessions
UpdatedAll pills are white, when to know when period will come and how long! Hyan tablets sessions
9 Replies
I'm on the pills but still on my periods and it has been 2 weeks since.
I have started hyan pills 2 weeks back and im on my period now before finishing the packet. Is it ok?
Hi. I am taking hyan but now am on my period, but don't know how, because you have to drink a red pill before menstruating. What does this mean?
I started using Hy-an a month ago I got my periods i finish the pack have to start the new month. but am still on my periods. is this OK. Am not used to this with Nordette it was always different.
Hi. I'm using hy-an pills for the first time and i finished the pack but still don't have my period. What might be the reason why?
Im 41 years old and i have been using depo since 1995 and i was'nt getting my period,my problem is i now want to have my periods back can Hy-an help me to get my period back?
Hi i have been on the hy an tablets for over a year but for the past two months did not get any period but before I did I did a pregnancy test results is negative is this normal before I forget my age is 41 years old
Hi. I just want to find out if i changed pills from nordette to hy-an, will i get pregnant?
Do hy-an pills stop bleeding? My period stopped two months ago. I am still waiting for it. At the moment my breasts are very painfull. I am 46yrs old.
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