How To Stop Taking Losartan (Page 3)
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I had taken losartan50/hctz 12.5 for 10 years, In recently years I suffered dry coughing and bad running nose allergy. I found out this is the side effect of losartan. Cutting the dose to half, changing to a water pill.. did not solve the problem. Over this holiday I developed bronchitis and was quite ill. I had very bad coughing, losing voice, sinus infection, nose bleeding, etc. I stopped taking Losartan to avoid further complications. I notified my doctor that I will check my blood pressure if the record is not over 140-90. I will keep the Losartan off. What else can I do?

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Linda, could I ask what that BP supplement is?? I take a few supplements for other things and would love to try what you found.!

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just to let you know Losartan is not an ace inhibitor. Losartan belongs to a class of drugs called angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). It works by relaxing blood vessels so that blood can flow more easily.
..I can't take ace inhibitors either... I call them the 'prill' family......most anything in bp line end in "rill" I double check it. I'm on losartan now also had a lot of prednisone. trying to figure out why my long thick hair is falling out and cough is starting back up along with extreme fatigue.

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**AMAZING UPDATE!** Sorry this took so long, but tried something new for my high BP and wanted to give it some time for a fair update - Ok! Started with BP194/92, losartan brought it down slightly but the side effects were unbearable. Doc blew me off as crazy, ordered some more tests, and sent me home. I quit the losartan, and my BP went right back up. So then I went to the health food store and bought a natural blood pressure supplement (don't know if I can name what I bought on here). In one week, my BP went down to 143/89. Today, now 3 weeks, my BP is 130/81! And that's after having a delicious cup of coffee my friends! Absolutely amazing! And no side effects whatsoever. I'm still going for those tests, and I'm not going to say a word about what I've done on my own until he's finished talking at my follow-up appointment after the tests. I can't wait!

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Last day of the six week withdrawal of Losartan and Lisinopril and actually has taken longer than that. Side effects are gone. Feel so much better now. But because I do have 4 terminal illnesses my doctor has called in hospice for comfort care, thank God! My blood pressure stabilized on it's own. One product that helped me with keeping pain levels down is essential oils (Lavender). More effective than most all others I tried. Lavender works topically. No side effects. Naturally gets rid of pain...even 8 to 10 level pains. I'm just sorry for anyone who has to get on Lisinolpril or an ACE Inhibitor but you have to follow your doctor. Just do your own research and get informed so that you can help make things go easier and smoother for yourself.

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Linda! I read your story. I've had the same problems and kept getting worse and worse and the doctor thinks I know nothing. I changed to a doctor who now works with me as a partner instead of a dictator! I was so sick for a long time so I took myself off of losartan and with in 3 days my symptoms started diminishing and started feeling better. My joint pains were horrendous so I started taking c0-q10 enzyme one a day which took all joint pain away, and for the first time in years I could sleep pain free! Then I started taking a digestive enzyme that I could get at the supplements store which has really helped more than ever. I changed my diet to just nibbling on light foods like non-gmo tuna from bumble bee....All foods I eat are organic or non-gmo. My horrendous sinus problems and allergies disappeared almost completely. Almost a week after I took myself off the meds and my coughing softened and slowed way down to just a few times a day....I was told after four weeks it would completely disappear. Before taking myself off of losartan I would bleed from my bronchioles from coughing so much but now that has stopped! Yeah! I do have multiple sclerosis which causes my extreme fatigue but since getting off of that crazy losartan I am starting to have more energy now too! Just a note: co-q10 enzyme that I get is both water soluble and fat soluble and I have lost 17 pounds so far. It works on a molecular level to repair and energize each cell in your body!

When I stopped listening to the doctors and took control of my own health I am beginning to heal now. I've talked to quite a few doctors and they are all pharmaceutical doctors who want to sell drugs, not really to make me better! They've been brainwashed, (taught) to sell pharmaceuticals so go figure! They are ok for prescribing things like an antibiotic for infections or help treat simple things but their training causes them to put everyone in the same category not realizing that each person is an individual with unique set of individual problems so what works for one person might be poison for another! They don't have the capacity to accept this truth. I've found that only about one in 20 doctors really care about patients health and are willing to work with that person. So question them first before allowing them to treat you...Ask them if they are willing to work with you as a partner in your health care or not! You know your own body better than they do and it is so easy to surf the web and get awesome information to guide you. By the way, after stopping the losartan my blood pressure has normalized where before it either was way too low or way too high! Like I said each person is different so you have to study your system to know your needs! Note: all ace inhibitors like losartan and lisinopril and all others have these exact same side effects....Tell that doctor to get online and read the many hundreds of people who are all suffering from the exact same side effects! Good luck.

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~UPDATE~ Went to the heart doc for follow up to find I gained #$@! 10 lbs.! Told him about these side effects: extremely tired, lightheaded, can't think (don't want to think), legs & arms weak, legs & hips hurt. His reply? "Losartan doesn't have these types of side effects." So he schedules me for more tests - and ABI one day, and an ultrasound of my legs another day. I asked why I couldn't get both tests in the same day. The receptionist says "because your insurance won't pay for them if we do them on the same day." I'm so frustrated with this doctor & his office. He blows off my concerns, treats me like I'm crazy, doesn't think I need to know details about anything. I felt terrible at work today, and I just can't take this drug anymore!

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Now I need to give the rest of my history. I have dual hypertension. Been on Atenolol 25mg and Lisinopril 25mg for a long time. The lisinopril caused problems starting about a year ago. Incessant bronchial coughing so bad I was bleeding. Loss of sleep and absolutely no energy to get out of bed. Lethargic, sinuous problems. I had to apply mentholated ointment under my nose to try to slow down the coughing and it worked. My Dr changed my lisinopril to losartan (cozaar 25 mg) which changed my cough from a bronchial cough to a phlegm type of cough but my sinus problem still persisted. Loss of sleep, and weakness unlike anything I've ever encountered....couldn't get out of bed....couldn't do anything...had to have others assist me. Horrible heart burn and indigestion and belching and choking on anything I tried to eat or drink! Loss of appetite and constipation. I was bedridden the whole time (2 weeks).

To make a long story short I realized I could not handle Losartan and atenolol anymore...they were killing me! So I took myself off of both and started feeling better after 2 days. I can sleep now and the coughing has diminished a little but still working on why I have such heart burn when eating or drinking food and water. I'm on a non-gmo and organic diet which I'm sure does help. 70 years old, 96% blood oxygen count...something must be working right there. My Dr said it takes about 4 and a half weeks to purge the lisinopril out of my 3 weeks left to go. Oh, did I mention I have multiple sclerosis and an aneurysm that has tripled in size. I also have mucus colitis. Extreme fatigue is the main part of my ms that interferes a lot plus sensitivity to extreme temperatures. Since turning 70 I am not active so maybe I don't need HP meds anymore, I don't know, it is a guessing game for me and my Dr. I just know I am feeling better not taking anything right now.

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It’s essential to choose a CoQ10 supplement that is both water and fat-soluble to be sure your body is actually absorbing it. Research shows that solubilized formulations of CoQ10 are absorbed better by the body and lead to higher plasma CoQ10 levels.


Also, please speak to your doctor before starting any supplements and make sure your doctor is aware of all the medication you are taking.

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i was on lisinopril but about a year ago started this horrible bronchial cough with bleeding....I was worn out. asked my doctor about losartan and she put me on 12.5 mg. My coughing changed from bronchial to just an annoying wet flim type of bleeding but it seems to be getting worse. Can't sleep but just an hour or two then back to coughing. Also, indigestion and choking and heart burn type symptoms have arisen. Can't eat at all now. i go for many days, sometimes weeks before being able to eat! This is the strangest med I've ever many side effects....better to expire than live this way is how I feel. My pressure seems to be stable whether I'm on meds or not which makes me wonder if I really needs anything at all. I did change my diet to all non-gmo and organic and seems to help but I also included CO-Q-10 which relieves joint pains. My blood oxygen level is at 96%....I am 70 years old...not bad huh? I must not be needing BP meds anymore so I just stopped them completely and am waiting to see how I do over the next 4 weeks. Oh, it would be so nice to feel human again.

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muchin, Same thing happened to me! I never get sick, and while on Losartan for 3 months, I caught a bug at work. Coughing till my ribs were sore, lost my voice, sinus infection - no nose bleed though. It lasted a week! Now in my 4th month on Losartan, I can't think clearly, coughing, so tired, legs and arms so weak! I can't mow my lawn or even walk across the store at work - my legs, hips and back just wear out quickly. Another thing I noticed is that I don't want to do anything. Don't want to spend time with family, don't want to cook for myself, don't want to indulge in my many hobbies. When I finish work, I just want to go home and do nothing. I'm not myself at all. I go to the doc in a couple days. I can't keep doing this drug. This isn't living.

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Are you still off Losartan? How have you been feeling?

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I too had the same symptoms but add digestive issues to the problem..I have been on the med with the water pill in it for 6 years and I have lost 45 lbs since being put on it..I do monitor my blood pressure at home and it hasnt been what I think high...with that being my blood pressure has been 123/78 and 127/80 and I have taken myself off of them now its been 7 days and I feel much Dr refused to take me off meds although I was starting to just feel not so good all the time, I do not take any other meds so it had to be this...hope you can find a way to control yours too

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After stop taking losartan for about 2 month, my blood pressure went up . I have to take losartan50/hct12.5 again and tried my best to live with the side effects. .
There are other ways to control BP . but I was not aware any drug without side effects. My doctor did not suggest any either for the time being .I also noticed I have gain weight since I take rosartan again .

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i am 55 and i had a big stroke episode on march 19 2016. Dr put me on losartan and in a couple of days i developed severely draining post nasal drip.they sent me home sick like this.after another week and a half i saw my Doc and she gave a zpac and 6 days of methylprednislone,none of which helped my now horrible coughing made my life hell...went back 26 april and she took me off losartan and on amlodapine. went back 28 april and begged for relief from coughing as i pulled 2 back muscles and ab muscles as we. Dr gave me a steriod shot and some amoxacillin.later that afternoon i felt some relief until next night it came back wose than ever. so april30 Dr told me to go to ER she didnt know how to help me! At ER they did xrays and did a flu swab and said i didnt have the flu or pnumonia, but they found an irritated nodule on my lung that wasnt there 3 weeks earlier! probably from coughing so hard.! they just gave me more prednislone and sent me home. the steriods made me feel better within an hour. So i say the steroids finally work because of stopping the losartan, which tells me that it is the culprit. My question is why did the original Drs assume it was a flu as well as my personal Dr? a simple flu swab would have narrowed the problem down! i took over aproxamently 150 benedryl pillls in 3 weeks just to breathe! not to mention 50 plus tylenol 3 for cough and robitussin sometime as well! Ihope when i take the lasst steroid pill in 2 more days i dont go back to living hell coughing again. how long does it take to get losartan out of my system? These doctors probably dont know themselves. i never took any meds before thhis and felt good 6 weeks ago.Hunts

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I am now taking Coreg twice a day. Once in AM and once in PM

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Happycomfort : Are you taking any medicine other than ACE for your BP now?
I am back on Losartan cause I cannot find anyway out . My Doc let me try HCT 25. I could not sleep for 4 days .
I am scared to try any thing else for the time being .

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I had that and other complications from any medication in the ace inhibitors family. They also take a while to leave your body via your lungs and kidneys according to a post on another medical site from a pharmacist. For me anyway I had to get off any medication from the ace inhibitors family. And it is only slowly getting better. I consulted my new doctor and she was happy to put me on something else. At any rate all the ace inhibitors family for some reason just made my blood pressure go higher the more they boosted the dose. I had a surgeon who took me off most of the dose of ace inhibitors I was taking and my blood pressure was the lowest it had been in a long time! Felt so much better! Had already lost tons of weight and was on a very healthy diet so at first couldn't figure out why my blood pressure was so high! It was the meds!

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I am back on losartan50 again for BP trying to cope with the running nose and coughing again. I do not want to try other brand BP drug. since they all have their shares of side effect .

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I saw my doctor on Jan 20,16. after stop losartan for 4 weeks. with my bp record average 130-77.,She said I can stop taking Losartan but don't throw away the pills yet. ,I felt much better for a few days then somehow I got three cases of nose bleeding . I was very upset . I use a new mintor to check my bp and it rise to 149-83 after some testing. I am now taking half dose of Losartan/hct 50 -12.5. to be safe . I am still coughing. what is the best way I am confused..

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Thanks for your message.I am feeling better now still coughing a little. after taking 10 days amoxicillin and five days prednisone plus strong coughing medicine. I am on my way to recovery. The runing nose is improving too.
my blood pressure records is ok for the time being . I am not anxious to try any new blood pressure medicine though. My doctor, she had me on HCT 25mg shortly before . I tried it for 4 days. I could not sleep at night at all .This is not listed as a side effect either. At my age, 76 I want talk as little as medicine as possible now.. I will see my doctor next week . I wish my old doctor did not retire , He is very good in sorting things out for me. muchin

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