How To Stop Taking Losartan (Page 2)
UpdatedI had taken losartan50/hctz 12.5 for 10 years, In recently years I suffered dry coughing and bad running nose allergy. I found out this is the side effect of losartan. Cutting the dose to half, changing to a water pill.. did not solve the problem. Over this holiday I developed bronchitis and was quite ill. I had very bad coughing, losing voice, sinus infection, nose bleeding, etc. I stopped taking Losartan to avoid further complications. I notified my doctor that I will check my blood pressure if the record is not over 140-90. I will keep the Losartan off. What else can I do?
Linda, could I ask what that BP supplement is?? I take a few supplements for other things and would love to try what you found.!
In reply to mamasurf, I would guess your hair falling out is due to losartan because that is the reason I have decided to stop taking it. Searched out dangers of stopping it without consulting a doctor and found this site. My BP keeps bouncing around. It was 114/67, then went to 143/77, then to 137/74. I am still in a good range and will see the doctor next week. I will continue to monitor my BP and if it shoots back up, I will take a small dosage of losartan. I do not want to take BP medication of any type. I am drinking antioxidants which get rid of fluids better than water pills. I use a zero calorie & no sugar drink. Have changed my diet also. It has been a week off, will wait & see what happens. Thanks for letting me add to this.
They had 3 different brands with about the same herbal ingredients. I chose Michael's Blood Pressure Factors.
Re: Denise (# 18)
Hi Denise, Tonia here, i have been on Meteprolol 50 mg 2x daily and was having side effects from that. Tinitus, fullness in the ears, dizziness, light headed, couldnt eat... so they are transitioning me off Metprolol and on to 50mg Losartan Potassium, i just kept getting worse and worse. Severe side effects, pain and burning in chest, elevated heart rate, nausea, headache, dizziness i cant even name all of them. I was wondering since i have not come completely off the Meteprolo if i can just stop the Losartan,( i am literally scared to take it) and just increase the Meteprolol until i can see the Doc. I have only taken the Losartan for less than a week... it seems the patient knows mire than the doc any more.
This has been hell week for me, actually has been for 3 weeks, i cant work like this. I hope you are doing better now, God bless you and thanks for posting your journey...
Re: Linda (# 16)
I was on Losartan for a number of years. The pharmacy where I bought it changed the company that they purchased from. I have suffered tremendously after starting on the new company's Losartan. I wish I would have know to suspect this medication. It destroyed the lining to my gut. Extreme sinus issues and acute sinus and upper respiratory issue with bronchitis and then pneumonia. Extreme deep cough, inability to sleep more than 3-4 hours. Lots of edema and even stomach edema to point I couldn't sit straight. Not able to breathe well either. I really thought I was dying and it got worse the longer I was on. I prayed for God to reveal what I was possibly ingesting that caused this and the idea came to me to check the Losartan. By this time I was already diagnosed with many food intolerances and was not eating much but I still gained 30 pounds in 1 year. I am a tiny person and never weighed that much in my life!! My doctor didn't want me to get off and tried another one and the symptoms started right away plus new ones and again thought I was dying. NO more for me and I am looking for some natural ways to keep my blood pressure down. Also a big symptom I forgot to mention was kidney damage and I was dehydrated which is weird as I drink a good half gallon of water a day.
I wrote a post (#25) about stopping Losartan in July. It has been 2 months and I think it is not completely out of my system yet, unfortunately. I gained 35 pounds in 1 year for no apparent reason and have never weighed this much in my whole life, not even when pregnant. My legs and stomach were filled with fluid and even my chest. I had pneumonia twice in 10 months and many rounds of antibiotics. Six months during this time I was on an extreme diet because of food sensitivities that I have not had previously. My gut was destroyed by the losartan. Maybe someday I will be able to eat the offending foods. Since realizing that Losartan was a very awful drug I am seeing that many things I suffered from were also from this....pain in ankles and feet, weak muscles and inflammation. I also had CONSTANT mucous in my throat, more like thick stuff attached to the back of my tongue. I went through Puffs like they were going out of style and had them everywhere in my house. My doctor, to my surprise, did not pick up on this but had me have a CT scan of my sinuses and $6000 dollars of evaluations for mold sickness. One of the markers for mold sickness is treated by Losartan. Realizing my diagnostics for this marker was high on Losartan he reevaluated me and it came way down even after only 2 weeks OFF of Losartan.
I am wondering if the new drug has mold in it. I am sure I will never know. He never said anything about weight gain and he is picky about keeping track. He was also not wanting to believe me when I said the Losartan was the problem until I went to the pharmacy and found out they started purchasing another Company's Losartan exactly when I became sick. I printed out the info for my Dr. as he had suggested the adjuvants could be bothering me. He thought I should get my blood pressure under control and seemed upset I was blaming the meds. PRE-HYPERTENSION is not a disease. Heck, hypertension is not a disease but a symptom of a greater problem. My bp is anywhere from 111/63 to 127/77 and that is GOOD readings! I am taking magnesium and CoQ10 which he instructed me to take a few years ago. So that is what works...and exercise, NOT drugs, unless it is temporary until you get the nutrients you need to bring down your blood pressure. The drugs are more dangerous to one's health than a reading that might possibly cause an attack or stroke. Wish the best to all trying to heal from taking this. I am not sure I would take it even if I had symptoms. This drug damaged my kidneys.
Re: muchin (# 2)
Wow just quit Losartan per doctor 4 days ago. After research realizing some of the usual side effects applied. Last symptom when using was hiccups. They stopped after quitting. Interested if anyone is having symptoms from quitting the drug such as continued dry cough, loss of appetite, etc. Thanks
Re: Darle (# 26)
Yes indeed! 111/63 to 127/77 are not bad numbers at all! And big kudos to you for taking responsibility for your own health! So many people don't trust their own instincts enough to stand up and ask questions for fear of insulting their doctors. You have to get involved in your own health - some don't like to bother with those details. Thank God I wasn't on that drug for long...about 4 months. I've been taking an herbal supplement for high blood pressure that's found in any health food store - $25 and well worth it! I quit eating sugar, red meat, processed foods, and most dairy products. I walk every day, AND I invested in an indoor dry heat sauna. And I feel wonderful! Next, I'm installing a steam room. I've lost 12 lbs., I have 30 lbs. to go. Once I reach my goal weight of 134, I'm dropping the supplement. That's the plan~ :)
Re: Linda (# 28)
I would love to know what herbal supplement you're taking. I've been using kyolic garlic 109 and Nattokinase, and they help. I did the stints with Lisinopril and Losartan and both ruined my quality of life (a horrible cough, muscle aches, foggy head). If I'm not very strict with my diet, especially eliminating sugar, my BP starts creeping back up. Thank you.
Re: HappyComfort (# 5)
I suggest you try Cacao (CU-COW). Because it lowers blood pressure and many other amazing healthy things for the body. I was on Losartan days ago but before that, I was sitting in front of my desktop and woke up on the floor with pain on my right side, which I landed on. So I am not going back to drugs. I haven't told my doctor yet. But my BP is 117/74 now, was 125/85.
Re: Linda (# 28)
Thanks Linda for sharing. Would you be so kind to share the herbal supplement you take? The sauna sounds great!
Now I can better appreciate your comments after a experience of just 6 months with the same product. While I can appreciate the risk reward of medication the side effects on the consumer don't seem to have FDA attention in advising us on outcomes for the user. Been off the drug just less than a month. Two issues, is the lasting side effect the medication or something else and for how long. Best wishes.
Re: Tok (# 32)
I know you were resonding to me but I wanted to chime in and let you know something. I stopped the product in July with know kidney damage. I just found out my kidneys were excellent now. So in 3 months I was able to get them back. That is just one thing I dealt with.
Re: Denise (# 15)
I am glad you were off the meds!!! They may have made the other issues worse. If you haven't already it would be good for you to look into Methylcobalamine B12 for Ms and a good liquid magnesium.(not sure I can name brand) Our bodies need lots of magnesium. The liquid is 100% absorbed and doesn't have the laxative side effect.
Detox your body. Take Cacao (cu-cow) once or twice a day. Switch to all Organic foods. Cacao lowers blood pressure. Even the people in South America didn't know this and they grow the evergreen trees that produce Cacao pods. Look up this Organic raw Superfood online. You may be shocked in a good way!
Re: Darle (# 31)
There were a few to choose from. But I found a lot of info online about the one I'm taking. I'm taking Michaels Blood Pressure Factors. I get it at the local health store. But you can find it online too.
Re: Linda (# 36)
Hi Linda, thank you for sharing that. I will look for it.
I fainted and was taken off of los attain but ended up with a pacemaker. Always wondered if the medicine caused it
Re: Blue (# 27)
My dad’s doctor increased his Losartan dosage from 50mg to 100mg. Two days later, he developed intractable hiccups that have not stopped for 6 days now. We’ve gone to the Gastroenterolgoist thinking it was caused by reflux. The gastro is convinced it’s not reflux. He gave him compezine to stop the hiccups but it’s not working. Finally, after doing some research, we think it might be increased losartan dosage. Really hoping not giving him the pill tomorrow will make it go away. Fingers crossed!
Re: Rex (# 35)
My doctor took me off of Losartan yesterday because I was able to get my number down to 110/76. She was very happy for me. I feel Cacao, Hibiscus Tea and Beet Juice did the trick for me. But now, I was watching a YouTube video on high blood pressure and that doctor who is also a teacher said blood pressure is normal to go up and down. It uses a regulator(s) in the neck to control the pressure. So now I don't worry too much about the numbers going higher than 110/76.
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