How To Neutralize Side Effect Of Methadone
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I have to take 80 milligrams of methadone a day it makes me drowsy and I Drive a lot how can i neutralize the drowsy effect or can i at all

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They say that just a mouthful of wine and hour before can help, i know that sounds crazy but also the best way ive found to stop the effects is simply to take half a valium the night before, this causes the liver to burn off the methadone much faster and im pretty sure it causes the liver to filter out more than the normal amount which means you shouldn't feel your dose at all but it will still hold you for the normal 24 hours, benzo junkies dont feel their methadone normally and thats what most of them take to main lining their methadone which is crazy but i believe that its your body and you should be able to live your life and treat your body however you want and no man has the right to stop you. those same run of so called people cut off the head of Mary Queen of Scotts. she was an old lady FFS, and these same kind of people are telling you "No you cant take drugs and feel good, im too scared to do it so you cant do it either" Its a sad and pathetic situation but one day some one will stand up for our right, postscript, if you get cancer these days you had better have a giant bank account or they will simply send you home to die.

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Hello, JB! How are you?

You really can't. How long have you been on it? Side effects, such as this, usually wear off and go away, after about 4 to 5 weeks, once your body gets used to a medication.

The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

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