How To Abort One Month And 10 Days Pregnancy? (Top voted first)


madam my wife is 1st time pregnant from 1 month and 10 days, is there any medicine to safe abortion at home and also tell me the side effects


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Dear madam.
How to stop prganancy 1month 15 days.
Please suggeat medicine withoght abortion.

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I want to abort a month old pregenency,as I need to focus on my carrier,and what are the possible side effects

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even if after having period.. is there a chance to get pregnant

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I was very young when I had my first son and had to put a whole lot on hold with my life. So when I got pregnant a year after and the dad was no good or help I knew what I should do, even though I'm cathlolic I thought my mom would never approve but we aren't like crazy catholic or anything. I don't even go to church but I have my beliefs. Sorry im ranting. What I'm getting at is it's okay to have it done if your not ready and I think it's great to work on your career right now. I'm assuming your a young person. If your older you may want to think it through. If you are 35 or older this may be one of the only chances you have if you ever want kids and you think it will be tough but there are always resources to help anyone from upper middle class people to poor people, so don't worry, but if you said career you may be doing well for yourself. It hurts for like a second literally but if you have any morals don't look in the direction of the tube, they suck it out into the trash bin. I couldn't sleep thinking I should have buried it and stuff but I'm over that now. Anyhow sorry for rambling again, it's just to make sure you won't regret it. Have you talked to the dad? Is he a good man and what does he want?

I understand abortion and not adoption. I felt selfish but I didn't want a mini me running around that would try and come back in my life and ask me all these questions later on. That's why I aborted. I also felt like I wanted to raise my own kids when I was ready and my mom said God understood my choice and he would save the soul of my baby til I was ready and like two months after I found myself pregnant again even though I was on birth control, so I had a child. I figured God wanted this for me if here I am pregnant again even though I was doing everything in my power other than being celebrate lol, but who wants to do that. So I had my second son at 18 and my first at 16. Those were my choices but your schedule moves around for them and it will work out if you want it to and if the dad is a piece of s*** then you can still do it alone. There are great men out there that can love you and your child. Ok so you are probably mad I haven't answered your simple question yet but I wanted to get it across you have options and I'm sure you have friends and family to support. I'm really not like that godly or anything I just believe in him on my own terms and pray to myself when times get tough, just asking for guidance not everyday or anything, actually on this site asking about how long I should wait after takingmethamphetamine to breastfeed my three year old, so I'm no saint, but I saw your question and thought I could help cause I've been there.

I'm now 32 and have 15, 13, and 3 year old sons. It took a little bit to get me on my way after the first two still finishing high school and all the ridicule I got back then for being a pregnant teen but it was so worth it. You never know true love til you have your own kids and you realize you get to be the biggest damn hypocrite in the world not wanting them to do anything you did as a kid lol, but to give them life is so cool and worth it. I'm happy, but back to your question, you will be put on like pain meds and valium to calm you down. They make you take meds the night before to start to soften your cervix so they can get the baby out. They put one of those opener things in to open you up like when you get a pap and then they have someone hold your hand even a nurse if you want to be alone. It hurts for like a few seconds unless the baby is really stuck to your uterine wall. They take the remains back and count the legs, arm and torso and head. They may even give you an ultrasound if they don't think they got it all. It goes in the bin to be disposed of. I don't know if you can take it to bury, I didn't ask. I was so young and scared I just wanted to be done with it. So you can ask that question if you want. You will be put into a recovery room with heating pads for your pelvis and crackers and juice because you may feel nauseous afterwards.

It's gonna feel like bad menstrual cramps for a few days and you will bleed some since your not that far along, about the length of a regular period, like five to seven days, maybe three if your lucky. Just wear a pad, no tampons and and as soon as you feel up to it I think like a week later get yourself on birth control and start have fun sex again without the worries. I got an iud without the hormones. It works great, no worrying about doing anything daily and you dont have hormones in it that will make you turn into the hulk for your man when on the rag lol. I would get it in right after your abortion though cause it gets placed in your cervix and that will already be softened and opened at that time. Think about it, the ones with hormones cause cancer or some s*** but they never said anything about the non hormonal one and when you want to have kids one day take it out with your doctor and have kids, it's that easy. I got pregnant on the pill with my first and the depo shot after my abortion with my second only two months later. So thats crap. They say it lasts three months, my ass. The nuvo ring will hurt your significant other as it may ring around the penis and hurt you and him when he pulls out, plus its only hormonal and i dont know about you but they make me mean.

This iud i put in after having my second son and got it removed nine years later to have my third i got it removed and got prego a month later, i almost want to say like two weeks lol. I'm so happy but he was my first planned pregnancy. When i was ready I got the iud back in and no pregnancy scares in three years. This thing is great. Just to throw that in there you always need to weigh in your options for birth control after your procedure. Sorry i gave you my life story to answer your question but i wanted to be the one to let you know your not alone if you feel that way. And my sister worked on her career made it big and got married. She is now 36, happily married and cant get pregnant. She also has a 17 year old about to be 18 and he is great. She had him at age 17 and still completed her career. She just wanted a new baby with her loving husband of ten years now and she can't seem to because an abortion she had left scar tissue on her tubes and she now wants one and is all financially stable and stuff and cant so that's also a possible side effect. I can keep having kids but she wasn't so lucky. You may be that one percent. It helps to just know it can but all in all it doesn't hurt that much. I went to planned parenthood. Best of luck on your choice and your future.

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I'm 1 month pregnancy and i want to abort it i need a strong medicine

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I am 1 month 6 days pregnancy who to to abort I am 31 years old

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Plz help I want to remove my 1month 10weeks pregnancy plz

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