How To Abort A 5month Pregnancy (Page 2) (Top voted first)


how do i abort a 5 month pregnancy. Is there any pill for that?

67 Replies (4 Pages)

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what ways can someone have an abortion at home at 5 months preggo in 1978 which would cause bleeding but somehow at the hospital they removed the baby viia c section to everyones amazement the baby survived weighing 1 lb and with help of an incubator he survived with minimal damage at most high functioning spectrum disorder and possible autitic

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I'm 5months pregnant and I need abortion. They have medical pills for this to abort?answer me plz

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I'm 5 months pregnant and I don't want this child because I already had 3 surgeries. So can I abort it please?

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How can i abort this,i. Incoming 6 mons old me pls..i dont have a money to feed this baby.

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im also 5month pragnent &i realy nid to have arbotion pls help

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How do I get a 4 month abortion, I had a one year old son plus two other boys 5 and 3 an someone plz plz help Mr out in this I try my best to do it earlier but no help can somepbe help me here

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Hello po, i tried cytotec when i was 6 weeks pregnant, kunti lang po ang bleed, i use it again after 2 weeks, a lot of blood for 2 days and patak patak nlang po cea for a week. After 2 weeks ng pt po ako still positive. Anu po pwdng gawin? Magti 3 months na po. Please help me po.

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How can i terminate my 5month pregnancy safely plzz help me

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am 5month pregnant no signs and i want to abort and proceed with my studies

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I am 5 months pregnant & now I just want to abort this baby. Sooo,plzz help me..
How can I do abortion??

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Hi um mag 7 weeks na po ako pregnant san pu mkbli ng cytotec?

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Am 5 months pregnant. i want to abort this baby because my boyfriend did not accept that baby and my parents kicked me out of their home. Please help me. I'm living in jozini and want to abort on Friday, May 26th 2017.

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I'm more than 5 months pregnant now.... Totally lost... Please help me. If I do abort... will I die?!!!

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Hey I'm going through this right now and I'm Arab too please tell me what you did I'm in urgent need of help

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Hii am puleng am 5months pregnant and i want to do abortion but i dont have money and i dont want dis baby i have too years son so i cant have another one

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Let's say u try to abort early BT u failed till five months is that baby still alive u tried three times

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I have 2 baby girls now and I am 1 month pregnant. Should I carry this child?

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Hi, I'm in my 5th month of pregnancy and due to my incapability of my husband iv given a second thought to my pregnancy. As I'm all alone with no siblings n parents, I no one to take care during n after my pregnancy. Pls let me know can I

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Hi my gf is now five my prgnet n we dsparetly wnt 2get rid of the bby.which is the safest proceedure to follow...pls help!!

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Re: naledi (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I want to abort 5 months pregnancy give me the solution

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