How To Abort 6 Months Pregnancy (Page 7)
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I am 6 months pregnant. Unfortunately i need to abort this because i still have 1 year old baby. I dont have a work and my boyfriend is still studying. I dont know what to do. We're very poor. I cant afford to feed this baby. So please help me to abort this. I'm living in davao.

134 Replies (7 Pages)

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how to abort 6 months pregnancy?please i need an advice

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To everyone out there who posted, please please please I need answers. How did you abort your baby? I'm approaching my 6months and I cannot keep this baby emotionally and financially. Please advise me, please help me.

Was this helpful? 55

Hi am 5 months going on to 6 months I need to do an abortion asap thnxz

Was this helpful? 63

m 6 months pregnant i ahve to abort pls gv me sugestion

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Hi im staying in Johannesburg arround soweto

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Paul, where do u live? I will help u find someone to adopt your baby. Please do not abort your precious baby.... plz let me know asap. I will help u and your baby!!!

Was this helpful? 6

Pls help I need to abort a 6months pregnancy due to my condition im unemployed we divorced with my husband I dont have money

Was this helpful? 84

You want to adopt a baby Managing. ..I'm 6 months pregnant I'm willing to give my baby for adoption instead of aborting it. ..I'm here in Saudi Arabia how can I contact you. I need a place to stay until I give birth and the one who can shoulder the hospital bills

Was this helpful? 34

I want to adopt a baby plz contect with me

Was this helpful? 21

My last period was late august i missed my period abt 3weeks ago how far am i and can i use pills to abort it?

Was this helpful? 13

I am 6 months pregnant and i need to abornt this.Because i still have 1 year old baby .I dont have stable jOb.WHat should i do.please i need help.

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I am 6 months pregnent. But I want to go for an abortion because my mom is a cancer patient n my boyfriend is out of the country who actually is the father. And I believe I m in no mental state to have this baby.

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Hopefully you didn't make that horrible decision. Why does that child deserve to be killed?

By the way they do feel pain

Was this helpful? 42

i want to abort a five monthd pregnancy before i approach my sixth month

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