How Strong Is A 30mg Morphine (Top voted first)


I have been on and off 5-325 and 10-325 oxycodon for about 6 months now I was wondering how a 30mg morphine tablet would affect me I'm 110 pounds if that helps any. I'm afraid something could happen I've never taken it before and I wasn't sure if cutting them in half would work better?

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They are white oval shaped with a half line threw the middle and the numbers 54262 on them

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Some doctors like mine who see tons of patients don't really go into detail about the medications. it's happened twice to me so therefore I ask anyone who may know I do my research so I don't kill myself :) thanks though

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Hello, Sam! How are you?

Oxycodone is one a half times stronger than Morphine, so you'd need 15mgs of it to equal each 10mgs of Oxycodone. Thus, 30mgs of it would be like taking 20mgs of Oxycodone, at once.

The FDA classifies these medications as being narcotic analgesics, so they carry the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and constipation.

It may be too strong for you, if you aren't opiate tolerant.

What are the markings on them? If they are time released, then it isn't safe to cut them in half.

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Oxy was not meant for long term pain control. That is why we see posts over & over that it stops or isnt working. You become tolerant to dose! Morphine ER is much better for long term pain control. Any decent Dr will switch by starting you on lowest dose possible and increasing dose slowly. No pain can be 100% controlled by meds and requires patient to use all pain mgt skills

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Thanks, Sam! That is a regular release 30mg Morphine tablet manufactured by Roxane Laboratories, so you can cut it.

Are there any other questions or concerns?

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Thank you so much i talked my doctor and had hich me switch me to a vicodon unfortunately the morphine even cut made me feel like i couldnt breath :/ thanks so much for your help

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Thank you for providing detailed information on these posts. I find it very concerning that pain med patients dont ask their Dr/pharmacist concerns or read pages of info given with every pain scrip. It can KILL you to cut certain pills in half or take more than prescribed especially if you arent opiate tolerant. Not following your "pain contract" exactly ultimately makes it harder for long term patients get proper care in future.

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Depends if 30mg morphine is time release? As i have read oxycode is 1.5x stronger than morphine when oral use is administered.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, i have the same question what if the pill is round purlpe abg in front ..30 in the back can i cut it in half?

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How strong is 10-325mg of oxycodone compared to 30mg of morphine and which is stronger

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